Islamic Boy Names from Quran “A to Z”, Direct Quranic Boy Names

Through this post: Islamic Boy Names from Quran “A to Z” and directly Quranic Boy Names you will know.

A comprehensive list of Islamic boy names derived from the Quran, arranged alphabetically from A to Z. These names are directly taken from the Quran and hold significant meaning.

Discover a comprehensive collection of Islamic boy names derived directly from the Quran, arranged alphabetically from A to Z. These names hold deep significance and are rooted in the teachings of Islam.

For those of you who are looking online for boys names from the Quran. Through this post, you will get boys’ names with meanings directly from Quran. You no longer have to search on other websites. Hope you get a good name from here. For your convenience, in this post, all the names of boys from the Quran are presented.

Below are the names of boys from the Quran:

Islamic Boy Names from Quran A To Z

1.AbdullahServant of Allah
2.AdamName of a prophet, the first human being
5.AbidinWorshipers of God
9.AhadOne,  single,  unique
10.AfinOnes who forgive others
11.AhaqMore deserving, worthier
12.AhkamFirm, best at judging, most wise
13.AkifunOnes who stay at the mosque overnight to worship
17.AlbabSense, intelligence
18.AkifOne who stays at the mosque overnight to worship God
19.AkifinOnes who stay at the mosque overnight to worship
20.AkramExtremely generous
21.AliHigh, exalted, sublime
22.AliminKnowledgeable ones
23.AleemExpert, extremely knowledgeable
24.AllamExtremely knowlegeable
25.AlimKnowledgeable, expert, scholar
26.AmadDuration, period of time
27.AlimunKnowledgeable ones
30.AminunSafe ones
31.AmininSafe ones, unharmed ones
33.AqsatMost just, fairer, most just
34.AqrabCloser, closest
36.Ashaab           Friends, companions
38.AsdaqMore trustworthy
39.AsgharSmaller, younger
40.AshhadWitnesses, plural of shahid
43.AwabRepentant, one who always returns to God
45.Awabin           Ones who repent
46.AzizBeloved, honored, mighty
47.AyubName of a prophet, known as Job in English
48.AzimGreat, Magnificent
49.AzmResolve, resolution, firmness of will
50.BashirBringer of good news
51.BaqiRemaining, lasting
54.BalaghProclamation, declaration, announcement
55.BasarEyesight, vision
56.BabDoor, gateway
57.BasitSpreader, one whose arms are spread wide, figuratively it means generous
59.BazighShining, radiant, rising
60.BunyanStructure, formation
62.DabirRoots, lineage, ancestry
63.DalilGuide, indication
64.DawudName of a prophet, David in English
65.DaberRoots, lineage, ancestry
66.DaeeCaller, evangelist, one who calls others to Islam
67.EidFestival, day of festivity
69.FariqGroup of people, clan
70.FatahOpener, one who solves a difficult problem, one who judges between two sides
71.FuadConscience, heart
72.FaslSeason (of the year), chapter, part, discernment
73.FazlCourtesy, good deed, superiority
74.GhaniRich, needless
77.GolamBoy, lad, youth
80.GhulamBoy, lad, youth
81.GhalibVictor, overcomer
82.GholamBoy, lad, youth
83.GhalibunWinners, overcomers, dominant ones
84.HalimForbearing, kind
86.HafizProtector, one who has memorized the entire Quran
88.HafizinProtectors, guardians
89.Hafizun           Protectors
92.HanifDevoted to God, one who believes in one God, upright in faith
93.HamdThanks, praise
95.HarisDesirous, eager, keen
96.Hud, HoudName of a prophet
97.HaqiqBefitting, suitable, obligated
98.Hasan Good, good-looking
99.HarunName of a prophet, Aaron in English
100.Ibrahim           Name of a Prophet, Abraham in English
101.IdrisName of a prophet
102.IsmailName of a prophet, Ishmael in English
103.Il YasinName of a prophet, also known as Elias in the Quran
105.Imad, EmadPillars
106.IlmKnowledge, science
107.IlyasName of a prophet, Elijah in English
108.Ishaq or IsaacName of a prophet, Isaac in English
109.ImranName of the father of Maryam, mother of Isa (Jesus)
110.IsaName of a prophet, Jesus in English
113.JalalEminence, prestige, superbness
114.JibreelName of an angel, Gabriel in English
115.JihadStruggle in the cause of God
117.KarimGenerous, noble
119.KafilSponsor, surety, responsible
120.Khalid Immortal
121.KathirMuch, a lot
122.KatibWriter, scribe
123.KhalidunImmortal ones
124.KhalaifSuccessors, deputies, agents, refers to humans being God’s agents of good on earth
125.Khalidin          Immortal Ones
126.KhalilClose friend
127.KhalifaSuccessor, deputy, agent
128.KhashiyinOnes who fear God
129.Khulafa           Deputies, agents, successors
130.KiramRespected and generous ones
131.LatifGentle, subtly kind
132.LuqmanName of a wise man mentioned in the Quran
134.MahfuzProtected one
135.MahdBed, cradle
137.MamdudExtended, extensive, large
138.Majeed           Glorious, honorable
139.MaqamStatus, place
140.MakeenDistinguished, influential, deep-rooted
142.MamnunVery thankful, indebted. It can also mean never-ending, uninterrupted
143.MamounSafe, away from harm
145.MarqumLabelled, marked
146.MarufGood, customary
147.MarziCause for contentment, a person that God is pleased with
148.MasrurHappy, joyful
150.MasirDestiny, fate
154.MiqdarAmount, measure
155.MatinFirm, strong
157.MikalName of an angel
159.MidrarAbundant, copious, exuberant, flowing
161.MirasInheritance, heritage
162.MizanBalance, scales, measure
164.MubashirinBringers of good news
165.MubsirWell-informed, skilled, keen, intelligent
167.MubashirBringer of good news
168.MudakirOne who remembers God, cannot be written as Muzakir
169.MuflihunSuccessful ones
170.MubsirunWell-informed ones, skilled ones, keen ones
171.MuhsininDoers of good deeds
172.MudasirWrapped, covered
173.MuflihinSuccessful ones
175.MuhajirMigrator for the cause of God
177.Muhit  Encompassing, aware of, knowledgeable about, ocean, ambiance
179.Muhsin, MohsenDoer of good deeds
180.MuhtadinWell-guided ones
181.MuhsinunDoers of good deeds
183.MukhbitinHumble ones
184.MuhtadunGuided ones
185.MujahidunOnes who struggle in the cause of God
187.MunibOne who returns to God, one who always repents
188.MukhlasinChosen ones
190.MukhlisinSincere ones, devoted ones
191.Mukhlis           Devoted, sincere
192.MukhlisunSincere ones
193.MukraminRespected and honored ones
194.MuntasirinVictorious ones, ones who support each other to attain success
195.MunibinRepenting ones
196.MuntasirVictorious ones, ones supporting each other to attain victory
197.Muqam           Station, resting place, refers to Paradise in the Quran
201.MusalinPraying ones
202.MuqimResident, permanent, establisher
203.MuqininThose who have achieved certainty of heart
204.MuslihReformer, one who improves things
205.MusaName of a Prophet, Moses in English
206.MusadiqAcknowledger of truth, one who acknowledges God’s existence and powers
207.MuslihunDoers of good, reformers
209.MuslihinDoers of good
211.MuslimMuslim, one who has submitted to God
212.MusliminMuslims, submitters
213.MustabsirinPerceptive, endowed with perception, intelligent
214.MustaqirStable, firmly established, strong
215.MustaqarHome, abode, place of residence, used to refer to Paradise
216.MustafinChosen ones
217.MustaghfirinOnes who pray for forgiveness
218.MustaslimunOnes who have submitted themselves to God
220.MuttaqinOnes who are mindful of God
222.MutaqunOnes who fear God, righteous ones
223.MutasadiqinGivers of charity
224.MutmaeninOnes whose hearts are at peace
225.MuzakirOne who remembers God
226.NaqibLeader, representative
227.NaseebShare, fortune
229.NajmStar, stars
230.NasihGiver of advice
232.NaseerHelper, supporter
234.NasihinGivers of advice
235.NasihunGivers of advice, well-intentioned and sincere
236.NazeerWarner, one who brings a warning. Used to refer to the Prophet PBUH, because he warns against disobeying God.
238.Nuh, Nooh, NoahName of a prophet, (Noah in English)
239.Ozair, UzairA prophet, Ezra in English
240.QadirinAble ones
241.QanitDevoted to God
242.QadeerExtremely capable
243.Qadir  Able, powerful
244.QaimStanding, upright, one who stays up late at night to pray
245.QadirunAble ones
246.QawamunProtectors, maintainers, ones in charge
247.Qaimun          Standing ones, upright ones, ones who stay up late at night to pray
249.QanitinDevout ones, pious ones
250.QanitunOnes who are devoted to God
252.QawaminUpright ones, those who follow God’s commandments
253.QiyamTo stand upright, to stay up late at night to pray
254.QayyumGuardian, sustainer
255.Qayyim          Valid, reasonable, worthy, valuable, precious
256.RaghibSeeker, desirous
257.RafiqCompanion, companionship
258.RaafiExalter, raiser
259.RafeeExalted, highest
260.RaqimInscription, letter, message
261.RahiminOnes who are merciful
262.RaghibunSeekers, desirous ones
264.RasheedWell-guided, mature
265.RaoufCompassionate, sympathetic
266.RaufCompassionate, sympathetic
268.RashidWell-guided, mature
269.RushdMaturity, well-guidedness, sound judgment
270.RashidunWell-guided ones
271.RasikhunOnes who are deep-rooted and firmly established
272.RoshdMaturity, well-guidedness, sound judgment
274.SabiqinThose who compete with others in good deeds
275.SabiqCompetitor, overtaker, foremost
276.SabitFirmly established, deep-rooted
277.SabiqunOnes who compete with others in goodness
278.SadiqTellers of truth
279.Sabirun           Patient ones
281.Sadeeq           Friend
282.SahibFriend, companion
283.SadiqatTellers of truth
284.SadiqinThose who tell the truth
285.Sadiqun          Tellers of truth, trustworthy ones
286.SajidinProstrating ones, ones who worship God often
287.SaidHappy, successful
288.SajidProstrating one
289.SahilBeach, river bank, shore
290.SaeedHappy, successful
291.SaiminFasting ones
293.SalihinPious ones
294.SajidunProstrating ones
295.Salihain          Good and virtuous ones
296.SalihPious, not corrupt
297.Salimun          Safe and unharmed ones
298.SamerGood friend
299.SalihunPious and good ones
300.SalimUnharmed, safe and sound, un-corrupt, whole, complete
301.ShaheedWitness, martyr
302.SameePerceptive, one who hears
304.SaqibSharp, penetrating
305.ShadidStrong, severe, intense
308.ShidadStrong and severe ones
309.ShakurThankful, appreciative, grateful
311.ShakirinThankful ones, appreciative ones
312.ShakirunThankful ones
313.SidrA type of tree in Palestine
315.ShihabShooting star
316.ShuaibName of a prophet
317.SiddiqunPious and virtuous ones, supporters of truth
318.ShukurThanks, gratitude
319.SiddiqOne who always tells the truth, on who acknowledges the truth
320.SiddiqinPious and virtuous ones, supporters of truth
321.SubutContinuation, constancy, steadiness, validity
322.SulaimanName of a prophet, Solomon in English
323.Subh, SobhMorning
325.TahaTwo letters of unknown meaning that make up Quran 20:1
326.TafsilTo detail, elaboration, details
327.TafzilTo prefer, to give precedence to
328.TasinTwo letters of unknown meaning at the start of chapter 27 of the Quran
329.Tahwil Change, alteration, conversion
330.TaqiMindful of God
331.TaqdirAppraisal, assessment, determination. Can also mean regard, esteem
332.TariqOne who knocks, one who arrives at night, or the name of a star
333.TareeqRoad, way
334.TaslimSurrender, submission
335.TasdiqAttestation, endorsement, to say that something is true or good
336.TayyibGood, virtuous
337.TayibinGood and virtuous ones
338.TawabOne who repents often. It also means one who accepts repentance, one who forgives others
341.Tayibun          Good and virtuous ones
342.WaliGovernor, prefect, ruler
344.Wadi   Valley
346.WakilDeputy, agent, trustee
347.WahidOne, unique
348.WildanYouths, boys
349.WaleeFriend, patron
350.WasatModerate, medium, in the middle
351.WaqarCalmness, composure, dignity, poise, solemnity
352.YusufName of a prophet, Joseph in English.
353.YaseerEasy, uncomplicated, without obstacles
354.YahyaName of a prophet, known as John in English
355.Yaqoub           Name of a prophet, Jacob in English
356.YunusNames of a prophet, known as Jonah in English
357.YazidHe increases in virtue, he makes progress
359.Zahidin           Ascetic, austere, pious
361.ZakirinOnes who remember God
362.ZaimLeader, in charge, responsible
363.ZaeemLeader, in charge, responsible
364.ZakariyaName of a prophet, Zachariah in English
365.ZakiPure, good
367.ZulkfilName of a prophet, may mean One who carried out his responsibility
368.Zayd, ZaidIncrease, prosperity
islamic baby boy names from quran a to z with meaning

Islamic Boy Names from Quran

(Boys and girls)

1.AaliHigh, sublime
2.AalaHighest, supreme
3.Aafaaq           Horizons 
4.AbidWorshiper of God
5.AbsarPlural of basar (eye-sight, vision)
7.AfsahMore eloquent
8.AemaLeaders, plural of imam
9.AinEye, spring, fountain
10.AfnanIntertwined branches of trees
11.AinainTwo eyes, two springs, two fountains, plural of Ain
15.AinanTwo eyes, two springs, two fountains, plural of Ain
17.AlwanColors, shades plural of laun
18.AnoumGod’s blessings
19.AnamGod’s creatures, all living things on earth
25.AtaGift, gift from God
26.AtiqMost ancient, most noble
27.AsbabMeans, causes, factors
28.AtqaMore conscious of God
29.Athar, AsarMark, print, effect, footprint
30.AwliyaAllies, friends
31.AtwarShapes and forms, states, phases, stages
33.AwfaMost faithful, more fulfilling, more complete
34.Awtad Stakes, poles, pillars
35.AydinPower, strength, this is a non-standard. Read more about this here.
36.AydiHands, power, strength, capability
37.Ayan or IyanTime, when
38.AzanAnnouncement, call to prayer
39.BahjaJoyfulness, radiance
40.BahijBeautiful, charming, graceful
41.BakaAnother name for Mecca
42.BasairClear proofs, enlightening proofs
43.BadrFull moon and the name of a battle in Islamic history
44.BakkaAnother name for Mecca
46.BarzakhInterval, divider, partition
47.BisatCarpet, floor covering, spread, expanse
48.DaniClose, near, hanging low
49.DinarGold coin
50.DawaInvitation, evangelism (to call others to Islam)
51.Diyar, DiarHomeland
52.DawahInvitation, evangelism (to call others to Islam)
53.FajrDawn, morning twilight
54.FuratCold and refreshing water
55.FirdausAnother name for Paradise, or a place in Paradise
57.FusilatDetailed, elaborate, well explained
58.Ghurub           Sunset
60.HadidIron (the mineral), sharp, perceptive
61.HadeesSpeech, news, story, narrations
62.HafiKind, gracious, gentle
63.HananAffection, love
64.HazFortune, luck
65.HamimClose friend, intimate friend
68.Hosn, HusnBeauty, goodness
69.HosbanCalculation, computation
70.HisanBeautiful ones, good-looking ones
71.HunafaOnes who are devoted to God, ones who believe in God’s oneness
72.HunainName of a battle in Islamic history
73.IkramCommendation, tribute, to honor someone
75.IbadServants of God, plural of Abd
77.IhsanGood deeds, kindness
78.ImanFaith in God
80.IshraqTo radiate, to shine, for the sun to rise
81.IstighfarTo ask for forgiveness from God
82.Isha, EishaLife
84.IslahTo fix and improve, to remove corruption
86.JazaReward, recompense
89.JaziSufficient, a person who removes your need for other people
91.KashifDiscoverer, remover (of a cover, or a difficulty)
94.KhalisPure, untainted
95.Kawkab          Planet, star, it refers to any celestial object that shines in the night sky
96.KhayrGood, goodness, good deeds, better
98.MadadAid, assistance
99.MafazVictory, to win
100.MaabPlace of recourse, retreat, refers to Paradise
101.MaghribWest, sunset
102.MaeenFountain, spring
103.MaknunCovered, hidden, protected
104.MakkaA city in Saudi Arabia
105.MaisurEasy, without obstacles and hardship
106.MaljaShelter, refuge
107.MaribGoal, aim, purpose
108.MiadDate, appointment, an arrangement to meet or visit somebody at a particular time and place
109.Manazil           Phases of the moon
110.MarhabaGreeting, welcome
112.MarjanCoral, red coral
113.MarzatContentment, God’s contentment toward humans, approval
114.MihrabPart of a mosque where the imam usually prays, known as mihrab in English as well.
115.MawazinBalances, scales
117.Midad Ink, fountain pen
118.Mihadflat land, plain
119.MubinClear, apparent, radiant
120.MinhajPath, way of life, curriculum
121.MirsadAmbush, watch, observation
122.Misaq Covenant
124.Misk   Musk
125.MoumininBelievers, plural of Moumin
126.MursaTo dock, to anchor [a ship]
127.Muneer           Brilliant, luminous
128.MuntahaUltimate goal, ultimate destiny, final destination
129.MusammaDefinite, determined, specified
130.MutahirPurifier, pure
131.MusaffaPurified, not to be confused with Mustafa
132.MutmaenOne whose heart is at peace
133.MustatarWritten down, recorded
134.Muzn, MoznRain-bearing cloud
135.NazidArranged, organized, ranked one above another, stratiform
136.NiamGod’s blessings
137.NeamGod’s blessings
138.NajatSalvation, rescue
141.NoorLight, radiance
142.NurLight, radiance
144.Olia, UlyaHighest, loftiest, upmost
146.OmamNations, plural of Ummah
147.OsulRoots [of a plant], trunks, figuratively principles, essentials
149.QararCalm, serenity, tranquility, stability
150.QabasEmber, piece of burning wood
151.QalamBrush, pencil, quill
152.QistJustice, equity
153.QuwaStrength, power
154.RaghadAffluence, ease, prosperity
155.RamzMark, symbol, gesture
156.RizwaanContentment, God’s contentment toward humans
157.Ramad           Dust
158.Ramadan9th month of the Islamic calendar
159.Rayhan, RihanFragrance, scented plants
160.RawahDeparture, leaving, evening, rest
162.RukhaGentle wind, soft breeze
163.RumanPomegranates, pomegranate trees
165.SabeelWay, path
166.SababCause, drive, factor, impetus, means
168.SakinSerene, tranquil, unmoving, stationary
170.SainaaArabic name for Mount Sinai
171.SawabGoodly reward
173.Salsabil           Cool and refreshing pure water
174.ShahadaMartyrdom, to be a witness
175.Shan, ShaanStatus, rank, matter, business, engagement
176.SenuanMultiple palm trees that grow from the same root
177.Sinin   Another name for for Mount Sinai, synonym of Saina
179.SidqTruthfulness, to acknowledge the truth, to acknowledge God’s existence
180.Shuhub           Shooting stars
181.ShukrThanks, gratitude
182.SulhPeace, armistice , truce
183.Sidratul MuntahaLote Tree of the Utmost Boundry, the name of a tree in heaven
186.SudurChests, figuratively means hearts
187.Siyam, SiamFast (to refrain from food and drink)
188.Subul, SobolPaths, plural of Sabeel
189.TakbirTo glorify God
190.Tamhid           Preparation, to ease and facilitate
193.TaqwaMindfulness of God, fear of God
195.Tasnim           Name of a spring in Paradise
196.Tatheer           Purification
197.Taqwim          Correction, rectification, stature, form, design
198.Tasbitstabilization, Reinforcement, situating, substantiation
200.Urush, OrushThrones, ceilings
201.WaadPromise, covenant
202.YaminRight side
205.ZumarThrongs, groups
206.ZikrRemembrance of God
Muslim baby names quran

Islamic baby boy names from quran

  • Abdullah -name meaning- Servant of Allah.
  • Adam -name meaning- Name of a prophet, the first human being.
  • Ahmad -name meaning- Praiseworthy.
  • Abyaz -name meaning- White.
  • Abidin -name meaning- Worshipers of God.
  • Adl -name meaning- Justice.
  • Aaz -name meaning- Mightiest.
  • Ahsan -name meaning- Best.
  • Ahad -name meaning- One,  single,  unique.
  • Afin -name meaning- Ones who forgive others.
  • Ahaq -name meaning- More deserving, worthier.
  • Ahkam -name meaning- Firm, best at judging, most wise.
  • Akifun -name meaning- Ones who stay at the mosque overnight to worship.
  • Aiman -name meaning- Blessed.
  • Ajr -name meaning- Reward.
  • Akbar -name meaning- Greatest.
  • Albab -name meaning- Sense, intelligence.
  • Akif -name meaning- One who stays at the mosque overnight to worship God.
  • Akifin -name meaning- Ones who stay at the mosque overnight to worship.
  • Akram -name meaning- Extremely generous.

quranic baby boy names starting with a

  • Ali -name meaning- High, exalted, sublime.
  • Alimin -name meaning- Knowledgeable ones.
  • Aleem -name meaning- Expert, extremely knowledgeable.
  • Allam -name meaning- Extremely knowledgeable.
  • Alim -name meaning- Knowledgeable, expert, scholar.
  • Amad -name meaning- Duration, period of time.
  • Alimun -name meaning- Knowledgeable ones.
  • Amin -name meaning- Trustworthy.
  • Ana -name meaning- Moments.
  • Aminun -name meaning- Safe ones.
  • Aminin -name meaning- Safe ones, unharmed ones.
  • Ansar -name meaning- Supporters.
  • Aqsat -name meaning- Most just, fairer, most just.
  • Aqrab -name meaning- Closer, closest.
  • Aqlam -name meaning- Pens.
  • Ashaab -name meaning- Friends, companions.
  • Asif -name meaning- Stormy.
  • Asdaq -name meaning- More trustworthy.
  • Asghar -name meaning- Smaller, younger.
  • Ashhad -name meaning- Witnesses, plural of shahid.
  • Awal -name meaning- First.
  • Asim -name meaning- Protector.
  • Awab -name meaning- Repentant, one who always returns to God.
  • Awsat -name meaning- Moderate.
  • Awabin -name meaning- Ones who repent.
  • Aziz -name meaning- Beloved, honored, mighty.
  • Ayub -name meaning- Name of a prophet, known as Job in English.
  • Azim -name meaning- Great, Magnificent.
  • Azm -name meaning- Resolve, resolution, firmness of will.

top 100 muslim boy names 2023

  • Bashir -name meaning- Bringer of good news.
  • Baqi -name meaning- Remaining, lasting.
  • Bihar -name meaning- Seas.
  • Bahr -name meaning- Sea.
  • Balagh -name meaning- Proclamation, declaration, announcement.
  • Basar -name meaning- Eyesight, vision.
  • Bab -name meaning- Door, gateway.
  • Basit -name meaning- Spreader, one whose arms are spread wide, figuratively it means generous.
  • Basir -name meaning- Perceptive.
  • Bazigh -name meaning- Shining, radiant, rising.
  • Bunyan -name meaning- Structure, formation.
  • Burhan -name meaning- Proof.
  • Dabir -name meaning- Roots, lineage, ancestry.
  • Dalil -name meaning- Guide, indication.
  • Dawud -name meaning- Name of a prophet, David in English.
  • Daber -name meaning- Roots, lineage, ancestry.
  • Daee -name meaning- Caller, evangelist, one who calls others to Islam.
  • Eid -name meaning- Festival, day of festivity.

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  • Faizun -name meaning- Winners.
  • Fariq -name meaning- Group of people, clan.
  • Fatah -name meaning- Opener, one who solves a difficult problem, one who judges between two sides.
  • Fuad -name meaning- Conscience, heart.
  • Fasl -name meaning- Season (of the year), chapter, part, discernment.
  • Fazl -name meaning- Courtesy, good deed, superiority.

quranic boy names with quran citation

  • Ghani -name meaning- Rich, needless.
  • Ghafur -name meaning- Forgiving.
  • Ghafar -name meaning- Forgiving.
  • Golam -name meaning- Boy, lad, youth.
  • Ghafir -name meaning- Forgiver.
  • Ghafirin -name meaning- Forgivers.
  • Ghulam -name meaning- Boy, lad, youth.
  • Ghalib -name meaning- Victor, overcomer.
  • Gholam -name meaning- Boy, lad, youth.
  • Ghalibun -name meaning- Winners, overcomers, dominant ones.
  • Halim -name meaning- Forbearing, kind.
  • Hadi -name meaning- Guide.
  • Hafiz -name meaning- Protector, one who has memorized the entire Quran.
  • Haq -name meaning- Truth.
  • Hafizin -name meaning- Protectors, guardians.
  • Hafizun -name meaning- Protectors.
  • Hafeez -name meaning- Protector.
  • Hakim -name meaning- Wise.
  • Hanif -name meaning- Devoted to God, one who believes in one God, upright in faith.
  • Hamd -name meaning- Thanks, praise.

islamic name boy list a to z

  • Hameed -name meaning- Praiseworthy.
  • Haris -name meaning- Desirous, eager, keen.
  • Hud, Houd -name meaning- Name of a prophet.
  • Haqiq -name meaning- Befitting, suitable, obligated.
  • Hasan -name meaning- Good, good-looking.
  • Harun -name meaning- Name of a prophet, Aaron in English.
  • Ibrahim -name meaning- Name of a Prophet, Abraham in English.
  • Idris -name meaning- Name of a prophet.
  • Ismail -name meaning- Name of a prophet, Ishmael in English.
  • Il Yasin -name meaning- Name of a prophet, also known as Elias in the Quran.
  • Ikhwan -name meaning- Brothers.
  • Imad, Emad -name meaning- Pillars.
  • Ilm -name meaning- Knowledge, science.
  • Ilyas -name meaning- Name of a prophet, Elijah in English.
  • Ishaq or Isaac -name meaning- Name of a prophet, Isaac in English.
  • Imran -name meaning- Name of the father of Maryam, mother of Isa (Jesus).
  • Isa -name meaning- Name of a prophet, Jesus in English.
  • Jamal -name meaning- Beauty.
  • Jamil -name meaning- Beautiful.
  • Jalal -name meaning- Eminence, prestige, superbness.
  • Jibreel -name meaning- Name of an angel, Gabriel in English.
  • Jihad -name meaning- Struggle in the cause of God.

unique muslim names

  • Kabir -name meaning- Great.
  • Karim -name meaning- Generous, noble.
  • Khabir -name meaning- Expert.
  • Kafil -name meaning- Sponsor, surety, responsible.
  • Khalid -name meaning- Immortal.
  • Kathir -name meaning- Much, a lot.
  • Katib -name meaning- Writer, scribe.
  • Khalidun -name meaning- Immortal ones.
  • Khalaif -name meaning- Successors, deputies, agents, refers to humans being God’s agents of good on earth.
  • Khalidin -name meaning- Immortal Ones.
  • Khalil -name meaning- Close friend.
  • Khalifa -name meaning- Successor, deputy, agent.
  • Khashiyin -name meaning- Ones who fear God.
  • Khulafa -name meaning- Deputies, agents, successors.
  • Kiram -name meaning- Respected and generous ones.
  • Latif -name meaning- Gentle, subtly kind.
  • Luqman -name meaning- Name of a wise man mentioned in the Quran.
  • Mahmud -name meaning- Praiseworthy.
  • Mahfuz -name meaning- Protected one.
  • Mahd -name meaning- Bed, cradle.

top 100 muslim boy names starting with m from quran

  • Makan -name meaning- Place.
  • Mamdud -name meaning- Extended, extensive, large.
  • Majeed -name meaning- Glorious, honorable.
  • Maqam -name meaning- Status, place.
  • Makeen -name meaning- Distinguished, influential, deep-rooted.
  • Masaabih -name meaning- Lamps.
  • Mamnun -name meaning- Very thankful, indebted. It can also mean never-ending, uninterrupted.
  • Mamoun -name meaning- Safe, away from harm.
  • Mashhud -name meaning- Witnessed.
  • Marqum -name meaning- Labelled, marked.
  • Maruf -name meaning- Good, customary.
  • Marzi -name meaning- Cause for contentment, a person that God is pleased with.
  • Masrur -name meaning- Happy, joyful.
  • Mashhad -name meaning- Scene.
  • Masir -name meaning- Destiny, fate.
  • Mashkur -name meaning- Appreciated.
  • Mashreq -name meaning- East.
  • Mawid -name meaning- Appointment.
  • Miqdar -name meaning- Amount, measure.
  • Matin -name meaning- Firm, strong.

modern muslim boy names starting with m

  • Moweid -name meaning- Appointment.
  • Mikal -name meaning- Name of an angel.
  • Mazid -name meaning- More.
  • Midrar -name meaning- Abundant, copious, exuberant, flowing.
  • Moumin -name meaning- Believer.
  • Miras -name meaning- Inheritance, heritage.
  • Mizan -name meaning- Balance, scales, measure.
  • Mouminun -name meaning- Believers.
  • Mubashirin -name meaning- Bringers of good news.
  • Mubsir -name meaning- Well-informed, skilled, keen, intelligent.
  • Mubarak -name meaning- Blessed.
  • Mubashir -name meaning- Bringer of good news.
  • Mudakir -name meaning- One who remembers God, cannot be written as Muzakir.
  • Muflihun -name meaning- Successful ones.
  • Mubsirun -name meaning- Well-informed ones, skilled ones, keen ones.
  • Muhsinin -name meaning- Doers of good deeds.
  • Mudasir -name meaning- Wrapped, covered.
  • Muflihin -name meaning- Successful ones.
  • Muhammad -name meaning- Praiseworthy.
  • Muhajir -name meaning- Migrator for the cause of God.

Direct quranic baby boy names with meaning

  • Mohamed -name meaning- Praiseworthy.
  • Muhit -name meaning- Encompassing, aware of, knowledgeable about, ocean, ambiance.
  • Mukhlas -name meaning- Chosen.
  • Muhsin, Mohsen -name meaning- Doer of good deeds.
  • Muhtadin -name meaning- Well-guided ones.
  • Muhsinun -name meaning- Doers of good deeds.
  • Muhtad  -name meaning- Well-guided.
  • Mukhbitin -name meaning- Humble ones.
  • Muhtadun -name meaning- Guided ones.
  • Mujahidun -name meaning- Ones who struggle in the cause of God.
  • Muhtadi -name meaning- Well-guided.
  • Munib -name meaning- One who returns to God, one who always repents.
  • Mukhlasin -name meaning- Chosen ones.
  • Munzirun -name meaning- Warners.
  • Mukhlisin -name meaning- Sincere ones, devoted ones.
  • Mukhlis -name meaning- Devoted, sincere.
  • Mukhlisun -name meaning- Sincere ones.
  • Mukramin -name meaning- Respected and honored ones.
  • Muntasirin -name meaning- Victorious ones, ones who support each other to attain success.
  • Munibin -name meaning- Repenting ones.

islamic names dictionary

  • Muntasir -name meaning- Victorious ones, ones supporting each other to attain victory.
  • Muqam -name meaning- Station, resting place, refers to Paradise in the Quran.
  • Munzir -name meaning- Warner.
  • Munzirin -name meaning- Warners.
  • Murshid -name meaning- Guide.
  • Musalin -name meaning- Praying ones.
  • Muqim -name meaning- Resident, permanent, establisher.
  • Muqinin -name meaning- Those who have achieved certainty of heart.
  • Muslih -name meaning- Reformer, one who improves things.
  • Musa -name meaning- Name of a Prophet, Moses in English.
  • Musadiq -name meaning- Acknowledger of truth, one who acknowledges God’s existence and powers.
  • Muslihun -name meaning- Doers of good, reformers.
  • Mustabin -name meaning- Clear.
  • Muslihin -name meaning- Doers of good.
  • Muslimun -name meaning- Muslims.
  • Muslim -name meaning- Muslim, one who has submitted to God.
  • Muslimin -name meaning- Muslims, submitters.
  • Mustabsirin -name meaning- Perceptive, endowed with perception, intelligent.
  • Mustaqir -name meaning- Stable, firmly established, strong.
  • Mustaqar -name meaning- Home, abode, place of residence, used to refer to Paradise.

beautiful arabic boy names

  • Mustafin -name meaning- Chosen ones.
  • Mustaghfirin -name meaning- Ones who pray for forgiveness.
  • Mustaslimun -name meaning- Ones who have submitted themselves to God.
  • Mustaqim -name meaning- Straight.
  • Muttaqin -name meaning- Ones who are mindful of God.
  • Muzamil -name meaning- Covered.
  • Mutaqun -name meaning- Ones who fear God, righteous ones.
  • Mutasadiqin -name meaning- Givers of charity.
  • Mutmaenin -name meaning- Ones whose hearts are at peace.
  • Muzakir -name meaning- One who remembers God.
  • Naqib -name meaning- Leader, representative.
  • Naseeb -name meaning- Share, fortune.
  • Naeem -name meaning- Bliss.
  • Najm -name meaning- Star, stars.
  • Nasih -name meaning- Giver of advice.
  • Nasr -name meaning- Victory.
  • Naseer -name meaning- Helper, supporter.
  • Nasir -name meaning- Supporter.
  • Nasihin -name meaning- Givers of advice.
  • Nasihun -name meaning- Givers of advice, well-intentioned and sincere.
  • Nazeer -name meaning- Warner, one who brings a warning. Used to refer to the Prophet PBUH, because he warns against disobeying God.
  • Nasirin -name meaning- Supporters.
  • Nuh, Nooh, Noah -name meaning- Name of a prophet, (Noah in English).

saudi arabia boy names

  • Ozair, Uzair -name meaning- A prophet, Ezra in English.
  • Qadirin -name meaning- Able ones.
  • Qanit -name meaning- Devoted to God.
  • Qadeer -name meaning- Extremely capable.
  • Qadir -name meaning- Able, powerful.
  • Qaim -name meaning- Standing, upright, one who stays up late at night to pray.
  • Qadirun -name meaning- Able ones.
  • Qawamun -name meaning- Protectors, maintainers, ones in charge.
  • Qaimun -name meaning- Standing ones, upright ones, ones who stay up late at night to pray.
  • Qarib -name meaning- Near.
  • Qanitin -name meaning- Devout ones, pious ones.
  • Qanitun -name meaning- Ones who are devoted to God.
  • Qawi -name meaning- Strong.
  • Qawamin -name meaning- Upright ones, those who follow God’s commandments.
  • Qiyam -name meaning- To stand upright, to stay up late at night to pray.
  • Qayyum -name meaning- Guardian, sustainer.
  • Qayyim -name meaning- Valid, reasonable, worthy, valuable, precious.
  • Raghib -name meaning- Seeker, desirous.
  • Rafiq -name meaning- Companion, companionship.
  • Raafi -name meaning- Exalter, raiser.

saudi arabia male names and surnames

  • Rafee -name meaning- Exalted, highest.
  • Raqim -name meaning- Inscription, letter, message.
  • Rahimin -name meaning- Ones who are merciful.
  • Raghibun -name meaning- Seekers, desirous ones.
  • Raheem -name meaning- Merciful.
  • Rasheed -name meaning- Well-guided, mature.
  • Raouf -name meaning- Compassionate, sympathetic.
  • Rauf -name meaning- Compassionate, sympathetic.
  • Rashad -name meaning- Well-guidedness.
  • Rashid -name meaning- Well-guided, mature.
  • Rushd -name meaning- Maturity, well-guidedness, sound judgment.
  • Rashidun -name meaning- Well-guided ones.
  • Rasikhun -name meaning- Ones who are deep-rooted and firmly established.
  • Roshd -name meaning- Maturity, well-guidedness, sound judgment.
  • Sabir -name meaning- Patient.
  • Sabiqin -name meaning- Those who compete with others in good deeds.
  • Sabiq -name meaning- Competitor, overtaker, foremost.
  • Sabit -name meaning- Firmly established, deep-rooted.
  • Sabiqun -name meaning- Ones who compete with others in goodness.
  • Sadiq -name meaning- Tellers of truth.

quranic boy names starting with s

  • Sabirun -name meaning- Patient ones.
  • Safwan -name meaning- Rock.
  • Sadeeq -name meaning- Friend.
  • Sahib -name meaning- Friend, companion.
  • Sadiqat -name meaning- Tellers of truth.
  • Sadiqin -name meaning- Those who tell the truth.
  • Sadiqun -name meaning- Tellers of truth, trustworthy ones.
  • Sajidin -name meaning- Prostrating ones, ones who worship God often.
  • Said -name meaning- Happy, successful.
  • Sajid -name meaning- Prostrating one.
  • Sahil -name meaning- Beach, river bank, shore.
  • Saeed -name meaning- Happy, successful.
  • Saimin -name meaning- Fasting ones.
  • Sakhr -name meaning- Rocks.
  • Salihin -name meaning- Pious ones.
  • Sajidun -name meaning- Prostrating ones.
  • Salihain -name meaning- Good and virtuous ones.
  • Salih -name meaning- Pious, not corrupt.
  • Salimun -name meaning- Safe and unharmed ones.
  • Samer-name meaning-Good friend.

arabic name list for boy

  • Salihun -name meaning- Pious and good ones.
  • Salim -name meaning- Unharmed, safe and sound, un-corrupt, whole, complete.
  • Shaheed -name meaning- Witness, martyr.
  • Samee -name meaning- Perceptive, one who hears.
  • Shahidin -name meaning- Witnesses.
  • Saqib -name meaning- Sharp, penetrating.
  • Shadid -name meaning- Strong, severe, intense.
  • Shahidun -name meaning- Witnesses.
  • Shahid -name meaning- Witness.
  • Shidad -name meaning- Strong and severe ones.
  • Shakur -name meaning- Thankful, appreciative, grateful.
  • Shakir -name meaning- Thankful.
  • Shakirin -name meaning- Thankful ones, appreciative ones.
  • Shakirun -name meaning- Thankful ones.
  • Sidr -name meaning- A type of tree in Palestine.
  • Shuhud -name meaning- Witnesses.
  • Shihab -name meaning- Shooting star.
  • Shuaib -name meaning- Name of a prophet.
  • Siddiqun -name meaning- Pious and virtuous ones, supporters of truth.
  • Shukur -name meaning- Thanks, gratitude.
  • Siddiq -name meaning- One who always tells the truth, on who acknowledges the truth.
  • Siddiqin -name meaning- Pious and virtuous ones, supporters of truth.
  • Subut -name meaning- Continuation, constancy, steadiness, validity.
  • Sulaiman -name meaning- Name of a prophet, Solomon in English.
  • Subh, Sobh -name meaning- Morning.

islamic baby boy names from quran

  • Talib -name meaning- Seeker.
  • Taha -name meaning- Two letters of unknown meaning that make up Quran 20:1.
  • Tafsil -name meaning- To detail, elaboration, details.
  • Tafzil -name meaning- To prefer, to give precedence to.
  • Tasin -name meaning- Two letters of unknown meaning at the start of chapter 27 of the Quran.
  • Tahwil -name meaning- Change, alteration, conversion.
  • Taqi -name meaning- Mindful of God.
  • Taqdir -name meaning- Appraisal, assessment, determination. Can also mean regard, esteem.
  • Tariq -name meaning- One who knocks, one who arrives at night, or the name of a star.
  • Tareeq -name meaning- Road, way.
  • Taslim -name meaning- Surrender, submission.
  • Tasdiq -name meaning- Attestation, endorsement, to say that something is true or good.
  • Tayyib -name meaning- Good, virtuous.
  • Tayibin -name meaning- Good and virtuous ones.
  • Tawab -name meaning- One who repents often. It also means one who accepts repentance, one who forgives others.
  • Tawfiq -name meaning- Success.
  • Taufique -name meaning- Success.
  • Tayibun -name meaning- Good and virtuous ones.

modern muslim boy names a to z

  • Wali -name meaning- Governor, prefect, ruler.
  • Wahab -name meaning- Generous.
  • Wadi -name meaning- Valley.
  • Wadud -name meaning- Loving.
  • Wakil -name meaning- Deputy, agent, trustee.
  • Wahid -name meaning- One, unique.
  • Wildan -name meaning- Youths, boys.
  • Walee -name meaning- Friend, patron.
  • Wasat -name meaning- Moderate, medium, in the middle.
  • Waqar -name meaning- Calmness, composure, dignity, poise, solemnity.
  • Yusuf -name meaning- Name of a prophet, Joseph in English.
  • Yaseer -name meaning- Easy, uncomplicated, without obstacles.
  • Yahya -name meaning- Name of a prophet, known as John in English.
  • Yaqoub -name meaning- Name of a prophet, Jacob in English.
  • Yunus -name meaning- Names of a prophet, known as Jonah in English.
  • Yazid -name meaning- He increases in virtue, he makes progress.
  • Zaif -name meaning- Guest.
  • Zahidin -name meaning- Ascetic, austere, pious.
  • Zaheer -name meaning- Supporter.
  • Zakirin -name meaning- Ones who remember God.
  • Zaim -name meaning- Leader, in charge, responsible.
  • Zaeem -name meaning- Leader, in charge, responsible.
  • Zakariya -name meaning- Name of a prophet, Zachariah in English.
  • Zaki -name meaning- Pure, good.
  • Zuljalal -name meaning- Majestic.
  • Zulkfil -name meaning- Name of a prophet, may mean One who carried out his responsibility.
  • Zayd, Zaid -name meaning- Increase, prosperity.

muslim boys and girls names

  • Aali -name meaning- High, sublime.
  • Aala -name meaning- Highest, supreme.
  • Aafaaq -name meaning- Horizons.
  • Abid -name meaning- Worshiper of God.
  • Absar -name meaning- Plural of basar (eye-sight, vision).
  • Ababil -name meaning- Flocks.
  • Afsah -name meaning- More eloquent.
  • Aema -name meaning- Leaders, plural of imam.
  • Ain -name meaning- Eye, spring, fountain.
  • Afnan -name meaning- Intertwined branches of trees.
  • Ainain -name meaning- Two eyes, two springs, two fountains, plural of Ain.
  • Ahd -name meaning- Covenant.
  • Aknan -name meaning- Shelter.
  • Anhar -name meaning- Rivers.
  • Ainan -name meaning- Two eyes, two springs, two fountains, plural of Ain.
  • Amal -name meaning- Hope.
  • Alwan -name meaning- Colors, shades plural of laun.
  • Anoum -name meaning- God’s blessings.
  • Anam -name meaning- God’s creatures, all living things on earth.
  • Arham -name meaning- Compassionate.

islamic baby names from quran

  • Arsh -name meaning- Throne.
  • Aqtar -name meaning- Regions.
  • Ariz -name meaning- Clouds.
  • Asaal -name meaning- Evenings.
  • Ata -name meaning- Gift, gift from God.
  • Atiq -name meaning- Most ancient, most noble.
  • Asbab -name meaning- Means, causes, factors.
  • Atqa -name meaning- More conscious of God.
  • Athar, Asar -name meaning- Mark, print, effect, footprint.
  • Awliya -name meaning- Allies, friends.
  • Atwar -name meaning- Shapes and forms, states, phases, stages.
  • Ayam -name meaning- Days.
  • Awfa -name meaning- Most faithful, more fulfilling, more complete.
  • Awtad -name meaning- Stakes, poles, pillars.
  • Aydin -name meaning- Power, strength, this is a non-standard. Read more about this here.
  • Aydi -name meaning- Hands, power, strength, capability.
  • Ayan or Iyan -name meaning- Time, when.
  • Azan -name meaning- Announcement, call to prayer.
  • Bahja -name meaning- Joyfulness, radiance.
  • Bahij -name meaning- Beautiful, charming, graceful.

short quranic boy names

  • Baka -name meaning- Another name for Mecca.
  • Basair -name meaning- Clear proofs, enlightening proofs.
  • Badr -name meaning- Full moon and the name of a battle in Islamic history.
  • Bakka -name meaning- Another name for Mecca.
  • Bayan -name meaning- Elucidation.
  • Barzakh -name meaning- Interval, divider, partition.
  • Bisat -name meaning- Carpet, floor covering, spread, expanse.
  • Dani -name meaning- Close, near, hanging low.
  • Dinar -name meaning- Gold coin.
  • Dawa -name meaning- Invitation, evangelism (to call others to Islam).
  • Diyar, Diar -name meaning- Homeland.
  • Dawah -name meaning- Invitation, evangelism (to call others to Islam).
  • Fajr -name meaning- Dawn, morning twilight.
  • Furat -name meaning- Cold and refreshing water.
  • Firdaus -name meaning- Another name for Paradise, or a place in Paradise.
  • Fauz -name meaning- Victory.
  • Fusilat -name meaning- Detailed, elaborate, well explained.
  • Ghurub -name meaning- Sunset.
  • Ghufran -name meaning- Forgiveness.
  • Hadid -name meaning- Iron (the mineral), sharp, perceptive.

unique Muslim boy names

  • Hadees -name meaning- Speech, news, story, narrations.
  • Hafi -name meaning- Kind, gracious, gentle.
  • Hanan -name meaning- Affection, love.
  • Haz -name meaning- Fortune, luck.
  • Hamim -name meaning- Close friend, intimate friend.
  • Hikma -name meaning- Wisdom.
  • Hayat -name meaning- Life.
  • Hosn, Husn -name meaning- Beauty, goodness.
  • Hosban -name meaning- Calculation, computation.
  • Hisan -name meaning- Beautiful ones, good-looking ones.
  • Hunafa -name meaning- Ones who are devoted to God, ones who believe in God’s oneness.
  • Hunain -name meaning- Name of a battle in Islamic history.
  • Ikram -name meaning- Commendation, tribute, to honor someone.
  • Ibada -name meaning- Worship.
  • Ibad -name meaning- Servants of God, plural of Abd.
  • Iqra -name meaning- Read.
  • Ihsan -name meaning- Good deeds, kindness.
  • Iman -name meaning- Faith in God.
  • Isbah -name meaning- Daybreak.
  • Ishraq -name meaning- To radiate, to shine, for the sun to rise.

55 names of holy quran in arabic boy

  • Istighfar -name meaning- To ask for forgiveness from God.
  • Isha, Eisha -name meaning- Life.
  • Islam -name meaning- Submission.
  • Islah -name meaning- To fix and improve, to remove corruption.
  • Jibal -name meaning- Mountains.
  • Jaza -name meaning- Reward, recompense.
  • Jabal -name meaning- Mountain.
  • Jadid -name meaning- New.
  • Jazi -name meaning- Sufficient, a person who removes your need for other people.
  • Kalam -name meaning- Speech.
  • Kashif -name meaning- Discoverer, remover (of a cover, or a difficulty).
  • Khilal -name meaning- Friendship.
  • Kanz -name meaning- Treasure.
  • Khalis -name meaning- Pure, untainted.
  • Kawkab -name meaning- Planet, star, it refers to any celestial object that shines in the night sky.
  • Khayr -name meaning- Good, goodness, good deeds, better.
  • Lail -name meaning- Night.
  • Madad -name meaning- Aid, assistance.
  • Mafaz -name meaning- Victory, to win.
  • Maab -name meaning- Place of recourse, retreat, refers to Paradise.

unique quranic names for boy/girl

  • Maghrib -name meaning- West, sunset.
  • Maeen -name meaning- Fountain, spring.
  • Maknun -name meaning- Covered, hidden, protected.
  • Makka -name meaning- A city in Saudi Arabia.
  • Maisur -name meaning- Easy, without obstacles and hardship.
  • Malja -name meaning- Shelter, refuge.
  • Marib -name meaning- Goal, aim, purpose.
  • Miad -name meaning- Date, appointment, an arrangement to meet or visit somebody at a particular time and place.
  • Manazil -name meaning- Phases of the moon.
  • Marhaba -name meaning- Greeting, welcome.
  • Mashariq -name meaning- Sunrises.
  • Marjan -name meaning- Coral, red coral.
  • Marzat -name meaning- Contentment, God’s contentment toward humans, approval.
  • Mihrab -name meaning- Part of a mosque where the imam usually prays, known as mihrab in English as well.
  • Mawazin -name meaning- Balances, scales.
  • Misbah -name meaning- Lamp.
  • Midad -name meaning- Ink, fountain pen.
  • Mihad -name meaning- flat land, plain.
  • Mubin -name meaning- Clear, apparent, radiant.

Muslim baby names boy

  • Minhaj -name meaning- Path, way of life, curriculum.
  • Mirsad -name meaning- Ambush, watch, observation.
  • Misaq -name meaning- Covenant.
  • Mursalin -name meaning- Messengers.
  • Misk -name meaning- Musk.
  • Mouminin -name meaning- Believers, plural of Moumin.
  • Mursa -name meaning- To dock, to anchor [a ship].
  • Muneer -name meaning- Brilliant, luminous.
  • Muntaha -name meaning- Ultimate goal, ultimate destiny, final destination.
  • Musamma -name meaning- Definite, determined, specified.
  • Mutahir -name meaning- Purifier, pure.
  • Musaffa -name meaning- Purified, not to be confused with Mustafa.
  • Mutmaen -name meaning- One whose heart is at peace.
  • Mustatar -name meaning- Written down, recorded.
  • Muzn, Mozn -name meaning- Rain-bearing cloud.
  • Nazid -name meaning- Arranged, organized, ranked one above another, stratiform.
  • Niam -name meaning- God’s blessings.
  • Neam -name meaning- God’s blessings.
  • Najat -name meaning- Salvation, rescue.
  • Nahar -name meaning- Daytime.
  • Nujum -name meaning- Stars.
  • Noor -name meaning- Light, radiance.
  • Nur -name meaning- Light, radiance.
  • Nahr -name meaning- River.

best quranic boy names

  • Olia, Ulya -name meaning- Highest, loftiest, upmost.
  • Ola -name meaning- Highest.
  • Omam -name meaning- Nations, plural of Ummah.
  • Osul -name meaning- Roots [of a plant], trunks, figuratively principles, essentials.
  • Qamar -name meaning- Moon.
  • Qarar -name meaning- Calm, serenity, tranquility, stability.
  • Qabas -name meaning- Ember, piece of burning wood.
  • Qalam -name meaning- Brush, pencil, quill.
  • Qist -name meaning- Justice, equity.
  • Quwa -name meaning- Strength, power.
  • Raghad -name meaning- Affluence, ease, prosperity.
  • Ramz -name meaning- Mark, symbol, gesture.
  • Rizwaan -name meaning- Contentment, God’s contentment toward humans.
  • Ramad -name meaning- Dust.
  • Ramadan -name meaning- 9th month of the Islamic calendar.
  • Rayhan, Rihan -name meaning- Fragrance, scented plants.
  • Rawah -name meaning- Departure, leaving, evening, rest.
  • Rawasi -name meaning- Mountains.
  • Rukha -name meaning- Gentle wind, soft breeze.
  • Ruman -name meaning- Pomegranates, pomegranate trees.

quranic boy names starting with s

  • Sabah -name meaning- Morning.
  • Sabeel -name meaning- Way, path.
  • Sabab -name meaning- Cause, drive, factor, impetus, means.
  • Sahab -name meaning- Clouds.
  • Sakin -name meaning- Serene, tranquil, unmoving, stationary.
  • Salam -name meaning- Peace.
  • Sainaa -name meaning- Arabic name for Mount Sinai.
  • Sawab -name meaning- Goodly reward.
  • Sarab -name meaning- Mirage.
  • Salsabil -name meaning- Cool and refreshing pure water.
  • Shahada -name meaning- Martyrdom, to be a witness.
  • Shan, Shaan -name meaning- Status, rank, matter, business, engagement.
  • Senuan -name meaning- Multiple palm trees that grow from the same root.
  • Sinin -name meaning- Another name for for Mount Sinai, synonym of Saina.
  • Shams -name meaning- Sun.
  • Sidq -name meaning- Truthfulness, to acknowledge the truth, to acknowledge God’s existence.
  • Shuhub -name meaning- Shooting stars.
  • Shukr -name meaning- Thanks, gratitude.
  • Sulh -name meaning- Peace, armistice , truce.
  • Sidratul Muntaha -name meaning- Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundry, the name of a tree in heaven.

Islamic baby boy names from quran

  • Sirat -name meaning- Path.
  • Siraj -name meaning- Lamp.
  • Sudur -name meaning- Chests, figuratively means hearts.
  • Siyam, Siam -name meaning- Fast (to refrain from food and drink).
  • Subul, Sobol -name meaning- Paths, plural of Sabeel.
  • Takbir -name meaning- To glorify God.
  • Tamhid -name meaning- Preparation, to ease and facilitate.
  • Tafsir -name meaning- Interpretation.
  • Tahur -name meaning- Pure.
  • Taqwa -name meaning- Mindfulness of God, fear of God.
  • Taklim -name meaning- Speech.
  • Tasnim -name meaning- Name of a spring in Paradise.
  • Tatheer -name meaning- Purification.
  • Taqwim -name meaning- Correction, rectification, stature, form, design.
  • Tasbit -name meaning- stabilization, Reinforcement, situating, substantiation.
  • Turab -name meaning- Dust.
  • Urush, Orush -name meaning- Thrones, ceilings.
  • Waad -name meaning- Promise, covenant.
  • Yamin -name meaning- Right side.
  • Yaqeen -name meaning- Certainty.
  • Zakat -name meaning- Purification.
  • Zumar -name meaning- Throngs, groups.
  • Zikr -name meaning- Remembrance of God.

Last words: Names of boys from the Qur’an

The text provides a list of names for Muslim boys from the Qur’an, along with their English pronunciation and meanings. It emphasizes that the meaning of a name can vary in different contexts due to words having multiple meanings. It suggests seeking the help of a wise person or consulting with a scholar or imam when choosing a name for a child. The text highlights the importance of naming children with good meanings, stating that names with good meanings are considered children’s rights.

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To know the meaning of the name in Bengali, visit- Namer Diary website

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