205+Muslim Boy Names Starting With B, Islamic Name For Boys

Through this post, learn the correct meaning of Islamic boys’ names (205+ All Muslim Boy Names Starting With B, Islamic name for boys).

The text discusses the importance of choosing a meaningful and pleasant name for a child, particularly focusing on Islamic boy names that start with the letter B. It emphasizes the significance of selecting a name that will contribute to the child’s personality and identity.

Parents are advised to consider names with beautiful meanings, as this is a common practice among Muslims when naming their children. The post aims to provide a resource for individuals seeking to find beautiful boy names, highlighting the importance of thoughtful consideration in the naming process.

I have tried to check and publish many Islamic names for boys with ‘B’.

See more- Name Meaning In Website

All Muslim Boy Names Starting With B

SerialNameName Meaning
1.BasharHumans, humankind.
2.BaharSpring, season.
3.BariqBrilliant, light, radiance.
4.BilalName of a famous companion.
5.BasirEndowed with insight, Sagacious.
6.BayanClear description.
7.BadarFull moon.
8.BakhtiarBlessed, fortunate.
10.BurhanProof, demonstration.
11.Batin (+Abdul)Inner, Secret/ Name of Allah.
13.BahisResearcher, explorer, learner, seeker.
14.BarekBrilliant, light, radiance.
15.BaqirAbounding in knowledge, learned, name of an Imam.
16.BaseerInsightful, perceptive, discerning.
17.BasitGenerous, kind, compassionate.
18.BasilBrave, fearless, lion.
19.BarkatGood luck, blessings, abundance.
20.BakerAbounding in knowledge, learned, name of an Imam.
21.BannaBuilder, founder.
22. Baqi (+Abdul)Permanent, unchangeable, name of Allah.
23. Badi (+Abdul)Unique, amazing, name of Allah.
24.BazlPrize, reward.
25.BurakMiraj vehicle of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
26.BaraInnocent, healed (one who is free from an illness).
27.BasheerBringer of good news.
28.BaseetVast, spacious.
29.BesharatGood news, glad tidings.
30.BassharBringer of good news.
31.BashirBringer of good news.
32.BahaBeauty, goodness, brilliance.
33.BinyaminThe name of the younger brother of Yusuf (as).
34.BadolThe cloud.
35.BakrYoung, camel, First born, new.
36.BakhtLuck, good fortune.
37.BasimOne who smiles, cheerful, good-humored.
38.BalighMaturity, complete.
39.BaqaSurvival, subsistence, etern.
40.BassamSmiling, Likes to smile, Cheerfull face.
41.BasemOne who smiles, cheerful, good-humored.
42.BahrSea, ocean.
43.BahramThe planet mars.
44.BahlulCheerful, does good deeds, wise.
45.BahesResearcher, explorer.
46.BishrCheerfulness, optimism, geniality.
47.BujairName of Sahabi RA.
48.BudailName of one of the companions of the Prophet (SAW).
49.BaleeghEloquent, complete, far-reaching.
50.BelayetProximity, guardianship.
51.BadruddinFull Moon of religion.
52.BashiruddinReligion that brings good news.
53.BahauddinMagnificance of Islam.
54.BadiuzzamanGenius of the time.
55.BarakatullahBlessing of Allah.
56.BurhanuddinProof of the religion.
57.BakhtiaruddinFortunate religion.
58.BaadiOne who lives a Bedouin life.
59.BaarizVisible, prominent, manifest.
60.BaashirBringer of good news, bringer of good tidings.
61.BabDoor, gate entrance.
62.BabakFather, mentor.
63.BadaahLarge, wide area of land.
64.BaddarEarly and on time, speedy, vigilant.
65.BadeedExample, sample.
66.BadeelReplacement, replacement in the job field.
67.BahooshCheerful, relaxed, glad.
68.BadeenReligious, faithful (one who has religious faith).
69.BadihWitty and creative.
70.BadilaynSubstitutes, replacements.
71.BadirFull moon.
72.BadrMoon and Moonlight, full moon.
73.BadriRain that falls before winter.
74.BaghishLight rain.
75.BahadurBrave, courageous, heroic.
76.BahaminSpring (the season).
77.BahatPure, spotless, flawless.
78.BaheejBeautiful, convivial.
79.BaheenCheerful, happy.
80.BaheerRadiant, skilled, extremely handsome.
81.BahhasScholar, researcher.
82.BahiBrilliant, handsome.
83.BahirBrilliant, lucid, renowned.
84.BahiriBrilliant, prominent, renowned.
87.BahmanThe name of the 11th month of the Persian calendar.
88.BahnamReputable, honorable.
89.BahoosResearcher, searcher.
90.BakhitFortunate, lucky.
91.BahradinOcean of the faith.
92.BahriVast like the ocean.
93.BahrozFortunate, lucky.
94.BahsaGood, virtuous.
95.BahujHandsome, happy and lively.
96.BahurBrilliant, lucid.
97.BahzadNoble, high-born.
98.BahzarWise, respected.
99.BaihasLion / strong, brave.
100.BailulFreshness, wetness.
101.BaitaarExpert, veterinarian.
103.BajesPowerful warrior, Brave, Strong.
104.BajliOne who lives well, cheerful, happy.
105.BakeelGood-looking, elegant.
106.BakhatBlessed with good fortune, lucky.
107.BakheetFortunate, lucky.
108.BakhshShare, fortune.
109.BakhshayeshForgiveness, pardon.
110.BakhtaavarBringer of good fortune, luck-bringer.
111.BakhtarWest, north.
112.BakhtiLucky, fortunate.
113.BakkarOne who leaves early in the morning.
114.BakkurEarly, on time, new.
115.BakrunNew, fresh, untouched.
116.BaktashChief, master, leader.
117.BalaghTo deliver a message.
118.BaloojRadiant, glowing.
119.BamdadDawn (early morning), morning twilight.
120.BamdatDawn, morning twilight.
121.BandarPort, port city, city by the sea.
122.BaniBuilder, founder.
123.BaqianEverlasting, firm and stable.
124.BaraaInnocent, healed.
125.BaraaemUnopened flower bud.
127.BarajHandsome, good-looking.
128.BaramPlanet Mars.
131.BariziProminent, visible.
132.BarjeesJupiter (the planet).
133.BarkhanGreat leader, great chief.
134.BarmakChief, leader.
135.BarraqBrilliant, radiant, dazzling.
136BarrazProminent, clear.
137.BarzanProminent, visible.
138.BasamOne who smiles often.
139.BasarEyesight, vision.
140.BaseelBrave, lion.
141.BaseeratInsight, perception.
142.BaselBrave, lion.
143.BashashCheerful, friendly, happy, charming.
144.BasheeshCheerful, optimistic.
145.BashiriBringer of good news.
146.BashirunBringer of good news.
147.BashuOptimistic, joyful, cheerful.
148.BashurBringer of good news.
149.BashwanGood-mannered, classy.
151.BasimiJoyful, happy, one who smiles often.
152.BasiqSoaring, lofty, towering.
153.BasmatHappiness, laughter, joy.
154.BasminJoyful, happy, cheerful.
155.BasoomOne who smiles often, happy, cheerful.
156.BassaarPerceptive, insightful.
157.BatalHero, brave man.
158.BatekSharp sword.
159.BattaalAscetic, virtuous.
160.BayhasLion, courageous.
161.BazijBeautifier, one who adorns.
162.BazirSower, planter of seeds.
163.BazullahAllah’s hawk.
164.BehdadExtremely fair, extremely just.
165.BehnamReputable, honorable.
166.BehradGenerous, doer of good deeds.
167.BehramPlanet Mars.
168.BehruzFortunate, lucky.
169.BehshadHappy, good, virtuous.
170.BehtashGood friend, good companion.
171.BehzadNoble, high-born, honorable.
172.BuhairLittle ocean, little sea, lake.
173.BuhurSeas, oceans.
174.BujaijAttractive eyes.
175.BukairNew, untouched.
176.BukranEarly morning, dawn.
177.BulbulNightingale, singing birds.
178.BunyanStructures, buildings.
180.BusraqYellow sapphire.
181.BustanGarden, forest.
muslim names with b for boy

Muslim Boy Names Starting With B (in two words)

SerialNameName Meaning
1.Baharul IslamThe sea of Islam.
2.Baseerul HoqTrue seer.
3.Bakhtiyar JalilFortunate is great.
4.Bashir AhmadPraised evangelist.
5.Besharatul HasanGood news.
6.Bazlur RahmanDakshina is a gracious gift.
7.Belaitur RahmanThe power of mercy.
8.Belal Hossainbeautiful water.
9.BokhtiuruddinGood luck.
10.Bokhtiyar AbedBlessed worshipper.
11.Bahar Istiaqdie-hard fan.
12.Badruddin AhmadThe full moon of religion.
13.Bakhtiyar Habiblucky friend.
14.Bakee-BillahEternal God.
15.Baseerul HoqTrue seer.
16.Belal AhmadAdmirable water.
17.Bahar IstiaqPromise fan.
18.Bazlul MajidGrace of majesty.
19.Bashir Al-HelalThe good tiding moon.
20.Borhan KabirGlorious example.
21.Borhan TaqiGodly example.
22.Bajlur RahmanThe reward of kindness.
23.Badr al DinThe full moon of faith.
24.Baha al DinThe beauty of faith.
modern muslim boy names starting with b

muslim boy names starting with b with meaning

  • Bashar =Name Meaning= Humans, humankind.
  • Bahar =Name Meaning= Spring, season.
  • Bariq =Name Meaning= Brilliant, light, radiance.
  • Bilal =Name Meaning= Name of a famous companion.
  • Basir =Name Meaning= Endowed with insight, Sagacious.
  • Bayan =Name Meaning= Clear description.
  • Badar =Name Meaning= Full moon.
  • Bakhtiar =Name Meaning= Blessed, fortunate.
  • Bahrun =Name Meaning= Sea.
  • Burhan =Name Meaning= Proof, demonstration.
  • Batin (+Abdul) =Name Meaning= Inner, Secret/ Name of Allah.
  • Babar/Babur =Name Meaning= Leopard.
  • Bahis =Name Meaning= Researcher, explorer, learner, seeker.
  • Barek =Name Meaning= Brilliant, light, radiance.
  • Baqir =Name Meaning= Abounding in knowledge, learned, name of an Imam.
  • Baseer =Name Meaning= Insightful, perceptive, discerning.
  • Basit =Name Meaning= Generous, kind, compassionate.
  • Basil =Name Meaning= Brave, fearless, lion.
  • Barkat =Name Meaning= Good luck, blessings, abundance.
  • Baker =Name Meaning= Abounding in knowledge, learned, name of an Imam.

Arabic boy names starting with b from quran

  • Banna =Name Meaning= Builder, founder.
  •  Baqi (+Abdul) =Name Meaning= Permanent, unchangeable, name of Allah.
  •  Badi (+Abdul) =Name Meaning= Unique, amazing, name of Allah.
  • Bazl =Name Meaning= Prize, reward.
  • Burak =Name Meaning= Miraj vehicle of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
  • Bara =Name Meaning= Innocent, healed (one who is free from an illness).
  • Basheer =Name Meaning= Bringer of good news.
  • Baseet =Name Meaning= Vast, spacious.
  • Besharat =Name Meaning= Good news, glad tidings.
  • Basshar =Name Meaning= Bringer of good news.
  • Bashir =Name Meaning= Bringer of good news.
  • Baha =Name Meaning= Beauty, goodness, brilliance.
  • Binyamin =Name Meaning= The name of the younger brother of Yusuf (as).
  • Badol =Name Meaning= The cloud.
  • Bakr =Name Meaning= Young, camel, First born, new.
  • Bakht =Name Meaning= Luck, good fortune.
  • Basim =Name Meaning= One who smiles, cheerful, good-humored.
  • Baligh =Name Meaning= Maturity, complete.
  • Baqa =Name Meaning= Survival, subsistence, etern.
  • Bassam =Name Meaning= Smiling, Likes to smile, Cheerfull face.

Unique arabic boy names starting with b

  • Basem =Name Meaning= One who smiles, cheerful, good-humored.
  • Bahr =Name Meaning= Sea, ocean.
  • Bahram =Name Meaning= The planet mars.
  • Bahlul =Name Meaning= Cheerful, does good deeds, wise.
  • Bahes =Name Meaning= Researcher, explorer.
  • Bishr =Name Meaning= Cheerfulness, optimism, geniality.
  • Bujair =Name Meaning= Name of Sahabi RA.
  • Budail =Name Meaning= Name of one of the companions of the Prophet (SAW).
  • Baleegh =Name Meaning= Eloquent, complete, far-reaching.
  • Belayet =Name Meaning= Proximity, guardianship.
  • Badruddin =Name Meaning= Full Moon of religion.
  • Bashiruddin =Name Meaning= Religion that brings good news.
  • Bahauddin =Name Meaning= Magnificance of Islam.
  • Badiuzzaman =Name Meaning= Genius of the time.
  • Barakatullah =Name Meaning= Blessing of Allah.
  • Burhanuddin =Name Meaning= Proof of the religion.
  • Bakhtiaruddin =Name Meaning= Fortunate religion.
  • Baadi =Name Meaning= One who lives a Bedouin life.
  • Baariz =Name Meaning= Visible, prominent, manifest.
  • Baashir =Name Meaning= Bringer of good news, bringer of good tidings.

Names of Allah’s favorite Iranian boys names

  • Bab =Name Meaning= Door, gate entrance.
  • Babak =Name Meaning= Father, mentor.
  • Badaah =Name Meaning= Large, wide area of land.
  • Baddar =Name Meaning= Early and on time, speedy, vigilant.
  • Badeed =Name Meaning= Example, sample.
  • Badeel =Name Meaning= Replacement, replacement in the job field.
  • Bahoosh =Name Meaning= Cheerful, relaxed, glad.
  • Badeen =Name Meaning= Religious, faithful (one who has religious faith).
  • Badih =Name Meaning= Witty and creative.
  • Badilayn =Name Meaning= Substitutes, replacements.
  • Badir =Name Meaning= Full moon.
  • Badr =Name Meaning= Moon and Moonlight, full moon.
  • Badri =Name Meaning= Rain that falls before winter.
  • Baghish =Name Meaning= Light rain.
  • Bahadur =Name Meaning= Brave, courageous, heroic.
  • Bahamin =Name Meaning= Spring (the season).
  • Bahat =Name Meaning= Pure, spotless, flawless.
  • Baheej =Name Meaning= Beautiful, convivial.
  • Baheen =Name Meaning= Cheerful, happy.
  • Baheer =Name Meaning= Radiant, skilled, extremely handsome.

modern muslim boy names starting with b

  • Bahhas =Name Meaning= Scholar, researcher.
  • Bahi =Name Meaning= Brilliant, handsome.
  • Bahir =Name Meaning= Brilliant, lucid, renowned.
  • Bahiri =Name Meaning= Brilliant, prominent, renowned.
  • Bahirun =Name Meaning= Brilliant.
  • Bahjat =Name Meaning= Beautiful.
  • Bahman =Name Meaning= The name of the 11th month of the Persian calendar.
  • Bahnam =Name Meaning= Reputable, honorable.
  • Bahoos =Name Meaning= Researcher, searcher.
  • Bakhit =Name Meaning= Fortunate, lucky.
  • Bahradin =Name Meaning= Ocean of the faith.
  • Bahri =Name Meaning= Vast like the ocean.
  • Bahroz =Name Meaning= Fortunate, lucky.
  • Bahsa =Name Meaning= Good, virtuous.
  • Bahuj =Name Meaning= Handsome, happy and lively.
  • Bahur =Name Meaning= Brilliant, lucid.
  • Bahzad =Name Meaning= Noble, high-born.
  • Bahzar =Name Meaning= Wise, respected.
  • Baihas =Name Meaning= Lion / strong, brave.
  • Bailul =Name Meaning= Freshness, wetness.

Arabic boy names starting with b in urdu

  • Baitaar =Name Meaning= Expert, veterinarian.
  • Bajdan =Name Meaning= Resident.
  • Bajes =Name Meaning= Powerful warrior, Brave, Strong.
  • Bajli =Name Meaning= One who lives well, cheerful, happy.
  • Bakeel =Name Meaning= Good-looking, elegant.
  • Bakhat =Name Meaning= Blessed with good fortune, lucky.
  • Bakheet =Name Meaning= Fortunate, lucky.
  • Bakhsh =Name Meaning= Share, fortune.
  • Bakhshayesh =Name Meaning= Forgiveness, pardon.
  • Bakhtaavar =Name Meaning= Bringer of good fortune, luck-bringer.
  • Bakhtar =Name Meaning= West, north.
  • Bakhti =Name Meaning= Lucky, fortunate.
  • Bakkar =Name Meaning= One who leaves early in the morning.
  • Bakkur =Name Meaning= Early, on time, new.
  • Bakrun =Name Meaning= New, fresh, untouched.
  • Baktash =Name Meaning= Chief, master, leader.
  • Balagh =Name Meaning= To deliver a message.
  • Balooj =Name Meaning= Radiant, glowing.
  • Bamdad =Name Meaning= Dawn (early morning), morning twilight.
  • Bamdat =Name Meaning= Dawn, morning twilight.

Persian boy names muslim

  • Bandar =Name Meaning= Port, port city, city by the sea.
  • Bani =Name Meaning= Builder, founder.
  • Baqian =Name Meaning= Everlasting, firm and stable.
  • Baraa =Name Meaning= Innocent, healed.
  • Baraaem =Name Meaning= Unopened flower bud.
  • Barafi =Name Meaning= Son.
  • Baraj =Name Meaning= Handsome, good-looking.
  • Baram =Name Meaning= Planet Mars.
  • Barayek =Name Meaning= Blessed.
  • Bareek =Name Meaning= Blessed.
  • Barizi =Name Meaning= Prominent, visible.
  • Barjees =Name Meaning= Jupiter (the planet).
  • Barkhan =Name Meaning= Great leader, great chief.
  • Barmak =Name Meaning= Chief, leader.
  • Barraq =Name Meaning= Brilliant, radiant, dazzling.
  • Barraz =Name Meaning= Prominent, clear.
  • Barzan =Name Meaning= Prominent, visible.
  • Basam =Name Meaning= One who smiles often.
  • Basar =Name Meaning= Eyesight, vision.
  • Baseel =Name Meaning= Brave, lion.

Pakistani Muslim Boys Names

  • Baseerat =Name Meaning= Insight, perception.
  • Basel =Name Meaning= Brave, lion.
  • Bashash =Name Meaning= Cheerful, friendly, happy, charming.
  • Basheesh =Name Meaning= Cheerful, optimistic.
  • Bashiri =Name Meaning= Bringer of good news.
  • Bashirun =Name Meaning= Bringer of good news.
  • Bashu =Name Meaning= Optimistic, joyful, cheerful.
  • Bashur =Name Meaning= Bringer of good news.
  • Bashwan =Name Meaning= Good-mannered, classy.
  • Basili =Name Meaning= Brave.
  • Basimi =Name Meaning= Joyful, happy, one who smiles often.
  • Basiq =Name Meaning= Soaring, lofty, towering.
  • Basmat =Name Meaning= Happiness, laughter, joy.
  • Basmin =Name Meaning= Joyful, happy, cheerful.
  • Basoom =Name Meaning= One who smiles often, happy, cheerful.
  • Bassaar =Name Meaning= Perceptive, insightful.
  • Batal =Name Meaning= Hero, brave man.
  • Batek =Name Meaning= Sharp sword.
  • Battaal =Name Meaning= Ascetic, virtuous.
  • Bayhas =Name Meaning= Lion, courageous.

islamic boy names with b

  • Bazij =Name Meaning= Beautifier, one who adorns.
  • Bazir =Name Meaning= Sower, planter of seeds.
  • Bazullah =Name Meaning= Allah’s hawk.
  • Behdad =Name Meaning= Extremely fair, extremely just.
  • Behnam =Name Meaning= Reputable, honorable.
  • Behrad =Name Meaning= Generous, doer of good deeds.
  • Behram =Name Meaning= Planet Mars.
  • Behruz =Name Meaning= Fortunate, lucky.
  • Behshad =Name Meaning= Happy, good, virtuous.
  • Behtash =Name Meaning= Good friend, good companion.
  • Behzad =Name Meaning= Noble, high-born, honorable.
  • Buhair =Name Meaning= Little ocean, little sea, lake.
  • Buhur =Name Meaning= Seas, oceans.
  • Bujaij =Name Meaning= Attractive eyes.
  • Bukair =Name Meaning= New, untouched.
  • Bukran =Name Meaning= Early morning, dawn.
  • Bulbul =Name Meaning= Nightingale, singing birds.
  • Bunyan =Name Meaning= Structures, buildings.
  • Buraik =Name Meaning= Blessed.
  • Busraq =Name Meaning= Yellow sapphire.
  • Bustan =Name Meaning= Garden, forest.

boy names that start with b (two word)

  • Baharul Islam =Name Meaning= The sea of Islam.
  • Baseerul Hoq =Name Meaning= True seer.
  • Bakhtiyar Jalil =Name Meaning= Fortunate is great.
  • Bashir Ahmad =Name Meaning= Praised evangelist.
  • Besharatul Hasan =Name Meaning= Good news.
  • Bazlur Rahman =Name Meaning= Dakshina is a gracious gift.
  • Belaitur Rahman =Name Meaning= The power of mercy.
  • Belal Hossain =Name Meaning= beautiful water.
  • Bokhtiuruddin =Name Meaning= Good luck.
  • Bokhtiyar Abed =Name Meaning= Blessed worshipper.
  • Bahar Istiaq =Name Meaning= die-hard fan.
  • Badruddin Ahmad =Name Meaning= The full moon of religion.
  • Bakhtiyar Habib =Name Meaning= lucky friend.
  • Bakee-Billah =Name Meaning= Eternal God.
  • Baseerul Hoq =Name Meaning= True seer.
  • Belal Ahmad =Name Meaning= Admirable water.
  • Bahar Istiaq =Name Meaning= Promise fan.
  • Bazlul Majid =Name Meaning= Grace of majesty.
  • Bashir Al-Helal =Name Meaning= The good tiding moon.
  • Borhan Kabir =Name Meaning= Glorious example.
  • Borhan Taqi =Name Meaning= Godly example.
  • Bajlur Rahman =Name Meaning= The reward of kindness.
  • Badr al Din =Name Meaning= The full moon of faith.
  • Baha al Din =Name Meaning= The beauty of faith.

Last talk: Islamic names for boys with B

The text provides a list of Muslim names for boys, aiming to help those looking to give Islamic names to their children. The information on the site is gathered from books and online sources to ensure accuracy. It is important to note that names can have different meanings in various contexts, so it is advisable to research the meaning thoroughly before finalizing a name.

Furthermore, it is recommended to consult a scholar or religious expert before naming a Muslim newborn baby to ensure the name is appropriate. Naming a child with a good meaning is considered a right of the child, so it is essential to choose a name with a positive significance. Always strive to select a name with a good meaning when naming a child.

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To know the meaning of the name in Bengali, visit- Namer Diary website

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