270+ Muslim Boy Names Starting With F, Unique Arabic Name

Through this post, learn the correct meaning of Islamic boys’ names (270+ All Muslim Boy Names Starting With F, Unique Arabic Name).

This article is dedicated to individuals who frequently search for attractive boy names online. Here, you can discover the names and meanings of Islamic boy names starting with the letter F. However, parents must exercise caution when selecting a name for their child in order to bestow upon them a pleasant personality. When choosing a baby name, parents take into account various factors, and Muslims often prioritize names with beautiful meanings.

I have tried to check and publish many Islamic names for boys with ‘F’.

See more- Name Meaning In Website

All Muslim Boy Names Starting With F

SerialNameName Meaning
1.Faiyazconstant doer of good deeds, good Donor
2.Faisaldecisive ruler, Judge
3.FaridUnique, matchless, precious
4.Fahimintelligent, learned, perceptive
5.FayezSuccessful, winner, overflowing
6.FaruqThe discriminator of truth and falsehood
7.FatinFascinating, intelligent, Charming, Smart
8.Fuadheart, conscience
9.Fatihconqueror, initiator, originator
10.FareedUnique, matchless, precious
11.FahadLeopard, panther
12.Farhanhappy, joyous, rejoicing
13.Fazalgrace, courtesy, noble deed
14.Ferozvictor, successful
15.FaysalJudge, mediator
16.FatanIntelligent, sagacious, smart
17.FasihEloquent, fluent, well-spoken
18.FatahatHappiness, Laughter, Joy/ Victory
19.Fariqgroup, band, lieutenant general
20.FarhaatHappiness, Laughter, Joy
21.Fathguidance, beginning, conquest
22.Fakhrglory, honor, pride
23.FaragCure, remedy
24.FaezSuccessful, winner
25.Fadelpraiseworthy, excellent, honorable
26.Fazilpraiseworthy, excellent, honorable
27.FayekExtraordinary, sublime, high status, exalted
28.Fawazwinner, successful
29.Fattahvictor, beneficent
30.Farhathappiness, pleasure, luckier
31.FurkanEvidence, discriminator of truth and false
32.Fareeqgroup, band, lieutenant general
33.FirdausGarden, best heaven, paradise
34.FerdousGarden, best heaven, paradise
35.FasahatEloquence, Fluency, pure speech
36.Fudailexcellent, praiseworthy, generous
37.Fuzailexcellent, praiseworthy, generous
38.Furat​​fresh, sweet water
39.FakirPoverty / Sufi-saint
40.Faqeehknowledgeable, expert, learned, well-educated
41.FalahWelfare, success, victory, salvation
42.Falihsuccessful, prosperous
43.Fauzvictory, triumph
45.FaidBenefit, advantage, gain, worth, welfare
46.Firuzvictor, successful
48.FaseehEloquent, fluent, well-spoken
49.FateenFascinating, intelligent, Charming, brilliant
50.Faheemintelligent, learned, perceptive
51.FaqrPoverty, Patience / Earning Allah’s Mercy
52.FajrDaybreak, first light
53.Farzanwise, calm, sensible, experienced, intelligent
54.FaritLeader, guide
55.FayyadGenerous, elaborate, plentiful, Overflowing
56.Fairuztriumphant, achiever of victory
57.Fakhimgreat, magnificent
58.Fatir (+Abdul)Maker, Creator/ Name of Allah
59.Fatihiconqueror, originator
60.FaresHorseman, rider
61.Farhinhappy, joyous
62.Fahmideducated, wise
63.Fahhamvery intelligent
64.Fikrithoughtful, perceptive, intelligent
65.FidaSacrifice, Liberation, to liberate
66.Faizplenty, much good, successful, winner
67.Faizullahplenty and bounty from Allah
68.FakhruzzamanThe glory of the ages
69.FaizuddinSuccess of religion
70.Faalanproductive, one who does many works
71.Fabilheavy, continuous rain
72.FadiDedicated to helping others, Redeemer
73.Fahamastute, perceptive, discerning
75.Fahdione who is like a leopard, brave
76.Fahduddinleopard of the faith/ brave
77.FahdullahCheetah of Allah / brave
78.FahidHe works well in someone’s absence
79.Fahisinvestigator, tester
80.Fahmunderstanding, comprehension
81.Fahmatunderstanding, comprehension
82.Fahmeeperceptive, intelligent
83.Fahmununderstanding, comprehending, intelligent
84.Faihamiunderstanding, comprehending, intelligent
86.Faitahguidance, right direction
87.Faizangreat grace, great beneficence
88.Faizeeendowed with an abundance of virtue
89.Fajruddindawn of the faith
90.FakhirGlory, high quality
91.Fakhriworthy of being proud of, glorious
92.Fakhrjahanpride of the world
93.Fakhruddinpride of the faith
94.Falaqdaybreak, dawn
95.Falakorbit, space, cosmos, ship
97.Faloohsuccessful, winner
99.Farahanhappy, joyful
100.Farahmandmajestic, magnificent
101.Farajcomfort, ease, happy outcome, relief
102.Farajuddinease towards religion
103.FarajullahRelief is Allah given
104.Farakhrelief, end of fear, comfort
105.Faramarzone who forgives his enemies
106.Faramorzone who forgives his enemies
107.Farasmount, a horse used for riding
108.Farasatkeenness, acumen, vision
109.Farazhigh place, elevation, top
110.Farazdaqloaf of bread
111.Farbadmajestic, great
112.Fardadborn with greatness
113.Fardainunique, peerless
114.Fardanunique, peerless
115.Fardununique, peerless
116.Fareemanblessed, great
117.Farehangreat, majestic
118.Farhamone who has good thoughts
119.FarhatullahHappiness that comes from Allah
120.Farheenhappy, joyous, jubilant
121.Farhihappy, joyous, content
122.Farhiyyanhappy, content
123.Fariborzpossessor of great glory
124.Farihhappy, full of joy
125.Farisrider, horseman
126.Farivarupright, correct, right
127.Farjadwise, endowed with knowledge
128.Farjamconclusion, end result, destiny
129.Farmancommand, commandment
130.FarmanullahCommand of Allah
131.Farnadconclusion (the end or end result of something)
132.Farnamone who has a great name
133.Farokhblessed, fortunate, good
134.Faroodunique, peerless, singular
135.Farrajhappy, joyous, jubilant
136FarrajuddinDelighted for religion
137.Farrokhzadborn in a state of blessedness
138.Farroohhappy, joyful
139.Farsadwise, endowed with knowledge, intelligent
140.Farshadgreat happiness, joy, glory
141.Farsheedmajestic and radiant
142.Fartashexistence, being, the opposite of nothingness
143.FarvardinName of first month of Persian calendar
144.Farwanwealthy, living in abundance
145.Faryarmajestic, magnificent
146.Farzadmajestic birth
147.Farzamworthy, deserving
148.FateemWeaned babies
149.Fathanguide, conqueror
150.Fathione who guides others, one who begins
151.Fathuddinguidance of the faith
152.FathullahAllah’s guidance, God’s help and support
153.Fatnanskilled, clever, keen, brilliant
154.Fatoohone who guides others
155.Fawaidbenefits, beneficial things
156.Fawizsuccessful, winner
157.Fawzansuccessful, victorious
158.Fayidwinner, benefiter
159.Fayyazconstant doer of good deeds
160.Fazeelexcellent, praiseworthy, generous
161.Fazlcourtesy, noble deed, superiority
162.Fazliexcellent, praiseworthy, generous
163.Fazluddinexcellence of the faith
164.Fazlullahbounty of Allah
165.Ferasatkeenness, acumen, vision
166.Fikrthought, concept
167.Fikratthought, conception
168.Firasskilled horseman, skilled rider
169.Firhadgood-looking and full-bodied (i.e. not thin)
170.Firtangood water
171.Firwadindependent-minded, unique in his opinions
172.Fuhaidlittle cheetah
173.Fuhaimunderstanding, comphrehending, intelligent
176.Furaijrelief, removal of fear and sadness
177.Furhudlion cub. good-looking and full-bodied (not thin)
178.Fursatopportunity, right time
179.Furuduniqueness, singularity
180.FutaihGuidance, conquest
181.Futainbrilliant, keen, intelligent
182.Futoohconquests, victories
183.Fuzailanexcellent, praiseworthy, generous
184.Fuzzalexcellent, praiseworthy, righteous
muslim boy names with f

Muslim Boy Names Starting With F (in two words)

SerialNameName Meaning
1.Faheem Hasanwise good man”
2.Faheem FaisalSharp wise judge
3.Fateen IshraqSharp intelligent beautiful
4.Firuz MahmoodProsperous praised
5.Fahim AnisWise friend
6.Fahim ShakieelIntelligent man
7.Farhan AnzumCheerful truthful
8.Fahim AhmadIntelligent is highly appreciative
9.Fajlul HoqThe mercy of truth
10.Fahim HabibSharp intelligent fellow
11.Faizul KabeerMore resources
12.Feruz WadudProsperous friend
13.Farhan MashuqCheerful lover
14.Fahim MorshidWise guide
15.Fuad HasanBeautiful mind, heart
16.Fahim Shariyarwise king
17.Fakhrul IslamIslam’s honor, glory
18.Fakhrul AbedenGlory to worshipers
19.Farid AhmadThe over-praised incomparable
20.Firoz AhmadThe highly acclaimed winner
21.Ferdawsul HoqueThe Garden of True Paradise
22.Farhatul HasanGood pleasure
23.Faruque AhmadThe overrated differentiator
24.Fayjur RahmanMerciful kindness
25.Fayez AhmadMerciful gift exceedingly praised
26.Fayjul HoqThe grace of truth
27.Faisal AhmadAppreciative Judge
28.Farhad UllahGod’s love
29.Fahim MuntasirClever wins
30.Fahim Mashuqintelligent lover
31.Farhan Rafiqcheerful friend
32.Furkanul HoqThe distinction between truth and falsity is decisive
33.Fazlul KabirGrace of the Glorious
34.Fazlul KaderGrace of the Almighty
35.Fazlul BariGrace of God
36.Fazlul MajidGrace of the Majesty
37.Fazle ElahiGod’s grace
38.Fazle KabirGrace of the Glorious
39.Fazle HasanBeautiful grace
40.Faizul BasitGrace of the Expansive
41.Faisal TanvirThe judge is enlightened
42.Faisal Naqibjudge leader
43.Farhan Anischeerful friend
44.Farhan ZahinCheerful genius
45.Farhan NadimCheerful fellow
46.Faid QaisarIncomparable Emperor
47.Farid RabbaniIncomparably heavenly
48.Faizus SalehinReligion is grace
49.Faiza MahbubA kind friend
50.Fayad ArmanProud aspirations
51.Nayad Naqibproud leader
52.Faiad MahmudProudly appreciated
53.Fatin Armannice wish
54.Faizul Muram“Winner feat
55.Farhan JahidCheerful striver
56.Farhan NaqibCheerful leader
57.Faruq NewazThe gift of distinguishing between truth and falsehood
58.Faruq SubhanThe Holy Differentiator
59.Fahim Faisalwise judge
60.Fahim MusaddeqIntelligent Certifier
61.Fahim FirozIntelligent is systematic
62.Firoz RashidProsperous Guide
63.Fuad NasirThe heart is the helper
64.Fuad MahbubHeart friend
65.Faheem HasanSharp intelligent beautiful
66.Fateen IshraqGood morning
67.Fatiq DileerA brave man
68.Feroz MahmoodProsperous praised
69.Fazlur RahmanKindness of grace
70.Fateen Anzumbeautiful star
71.Farhan TanveerCheerful, enlightened intelligent
72.Fahim AnisWise friend
73.Faizul KabeerMore mercy, grace
74.Farhan SadiqCheerful stars
75.Faruque HossainBeautiful differentiator
76.Fahad Nadimlion friend
77.Fahad Habiblion friend
78.Fahad NaserLion is the helper
79.Fahad Naqiblion leader
80.Fahad FaridThe lion is incomparable
81.Fahad AmjadThe lion is respected
82.Fayej Najbig heart
83.Faizur rahmanGrace and abundance from Allah
84.Fajrul IslamDawn of Islam
85.Fakhr al DinDeen pride
muslim names with f for boy

All muslim boy names starting with f with meaning in english

  • Faiyaz =Name Meaning= constant doer of good deeds, good Donor.
  • Faisal =Name Meaning= decisive ruler, Judge.
  • Farid =Name Meaning= Unique, matchless, precious.
  • Fahim =Name Meaning= intelligent, learned, perceptive.
  • Fayez =Name Meaning= Successful, winner, overflowing.
  • Faruq =Name Meaning= The discriminator of truth and falsehood.
  • Fatin =Name Meaning= Fascinating, intelligent, Charming, Smart.
  • Fuad =Name Meaning= heart, conscience.
  • Fatih =Name Meaning= conqueror, initiator, originator.
  • Fareed =Name Meaning= Unique, matchless, precious.
  • Fahad =Name Meaning= Leopard, panther.
  • Farhan =Name Meaning= happy, joyous, rejoicing.
  • Fazal =Name Meaning= grace, courtesy, noble deed.
  • Feroz =Name Meaning= victor, successful.
  • Faysal =Name Meaning= Judge, mediator.
  • Fatan =Name Meaning= Intelligent, sagacious, smart.
  • Fasih =Name Meaning= Eloquent, fluent, well-spoken.
  • Fatahat =Name Meaning= Happiness, Laughter, Joy/ Victory.
  • Fariq =Name Meaning= group, band, lieutenant general.
  • Farhaat =Name Meaning= Happiness, Laughter, Joy.

Arabic boy names starting with f

  • Fath =Name Meaning= guidance, beginning, conquest.
  • Fakhr =Name Meaning= glory, honor, pride.
  • Farag =Name Meaning= Cure, remedy.
  • Faez =Name Meaning= Successful, winner.
  • Fadel =Name Meaning= praiseworthy, excellent, honorable.
  • Fazil =Name Meaning= praiseworthy, excellent, honorable.
  • Fayek =Name Meaning= Extraordinary, sublime, high status, exalted.
  • Fawaz =Name Meaning= winner, successful.
  • Fattah =Name Meaning= victor, beneficent.
  • Farhat =Name Meaning= happiness, pleasure, luckier.
  • Furkan =Name Meaning= Evidence, discriminator of truth and false.
  • Fareeq =Name Meaning= group, band, lieutenant general.
  • Firdaus =Name Meaning= Garden, best heaven, paradise.
  • Ferdous =Name Meaning= Garden, best heaven, paradise.
  • Fasahat =Name Meaning= Eloquence, Fluency, pure speech.
  • Fudail =Name Meaning= excellent, praiseworthy, generous.
  • Fuzail =Name Meaning= excellent, praiseworthy, generous.
  • Furat =Name Meaning= fresh, sweet water.
  • Fakir =Name Meaning= Poverty / Sufi-saint.
  • Faqeeh =Name Meaning= knowledgeable, expert, learned, well-educated.

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  • Falah =Name Meaning= Welfare, success, victory, salvation.
  • Falih =Name Meaning= successful, prosperous.
  • Fauz =Name Meaning= victory, triumph.
  • Fauq =Name Meaning= High.
  • Faid =Name Meaning= Benefit, advantage, gain, worth, welfare.
  • Firuz =Name Meaning= victor, successful.
  • Faleeh =Name Meaning= successful.
  • Faseeh =Name Meaning= Eloquent, fluent, well-spoken.
  • Fateen =Name Meaning= Fascinating, intelligent, Charming, brilliant.
  • Faheem =Name Meaning= intelligent, learned, perceptive.
  • Faqr =Name Meaning= Poverty, Patience / Earning Allah’s Mercy.
  • Fajr =Name Meaning= Daybreak, first light.
  • Farzan =Name Meaning= wise, calm, sensible, experienced, intelligent.
  • Farit =Name Meaning= Leader, guide.
  • Fayyad =Name Meaning= Generous, elaborate, plentiful, Overflowing.
  • Fairuz =Name Meaning= triumphant, achiever of victory.
  • Fakhim =Name Meaning= great, magnificent.
  • Fatir (+Abdul) =Name Meaning= Maker, Creator/ Name of Allah.
  • Fatihi =Name Meaning= conqueror, originator.
  • Fares =Name Meaning= Horseman, rider.

top 100 muslim boy names

  • Farhin =Name Meaning= happy, joyous.
  • Fahmid =Name Meaning= educated, wise.
  • Fahham =Name Meaning= very intelligent.
  • Fikri =Name Meaning= thoughtful, perceptive, intelligent.
  • Fida =Name Meaning= Sacrifice, Liberation, to liberate.
  • Faiz =Name Meaning= plenty, much good, successful, winner.
  • Faizullah =Name Meaning= plenty and bounty from Allah.
  • Fakhruzzaman =Name Meaning= The glory of the ages.
  • Faizuddin =Name Meaning= Success of religion.
  • Faalan =Name Meaning= productive, one who does many works.
  • Fabil =Name Meaning= heavy, continuous rain.
  • Fadi =Name Meaning= Dedicated to helping others, Redeemer.
  • Faham =Name Meaning= astute, perceptive, discerning.
  • Fahd =Name Meaning= cheetah.
  • Fahdi =Name Meaning= one who is like a leopard, brave.
  • Fahduddin =Name Meaning= leopard of the faith/ brave.
  • Fahdullah =Name Meaning= Cheetah of Allah / brave.
  • Fahid =Name Meaning= He works well in someone’s absence.
  • Fahis =Name Meaning= investigator, tester.
  • Fahm =Name Meaning= understanding, comprehension.

muslim boy names with meaning

  • Fahmat =Name Meaning= understanding, comprehension.
  • Fahmee =Name Meaning= perceptive, intelligent.
  • Fahmun =Name Meaning= understanding, comprehending, intelligent.
  • Faihami =Name Meaning= understanding, comprehending, intelligent.
  • Faihan =Name Meaning= fragrant.
  • Faitah =Name Meaning= guidance, right direction.
  • Faizan =Name Meaning= great grace, great beneficence.
  • Faizee =Name Meaning= endowed with an abundance of virtue.
  • Fajruddin =Name Meaning= dawn of the faith.
  • Fakhir =Name Meaning= Glory, high quality.
  • Fakhri =Name Meaning= worthy of being proud of, glorious.
  • Fakhrjahan =Name Meaning= pride of the world.
  • Fakhruddin =Name Meaning= pride of the faith.
  • Falaq =Name Meaning= daybreak, dawn.
  • Falak =Name Meaning= orbit, space, cosmos, ship.
  • Fallah =Name Meaning= farmer.
  • Falooh =Name Meaning= successful, winner.
  • Fannan =Name Meaning= artist.
  • Farahan =Name Meaning= happy, joyful.
  • Farahmand =Name Meaning= majestic, magnificent.

islamic boy names from quran

  • Faraj =Name Meaning= comfort, ease, happy outcome, relief.
  • Farajuddin =Name Meaning= ease towards religion.
  • Farajullah =Name Meaning= Relief is Allah given.
  • Farakh =Name Meaning= relief, end of fear, comfort.
  • Faramarz =Name Meaning= one who forgives his enemies.
  • Faramorz =Name Meaning= one who forgives his enemies.
  • Faras =Name Meaning= mount, a horse used for riding.
  • Farasat =Name Meaning= keenness, acumen, vision.
  • Faraz =Name Meaning= high place, elevation, top.
  • Farazdaq =Name Meaning= loaf of bread.
  • Farbad =Name Meaning= majestic, great.
  • Fardad =Name Meaning= born with greatness.
  • Fardain =Name Meaning= unique, peerless.
  • Fardan =Name Meaning= unique, peerless.
  • Fardun =Name Meaning= unique, peerless.
  • Fareeman =Name Meaning= blessed, great.
  • Farehan =Name Meaning= great, majestic.
  • Farham =Name Meaning= one who has good thoughts.
  • Farhatullah =Name Meaning= Happiness that comes from Allah.
  • Farheen =Name Meaning= happy, joyous, jubilant.

muslim boy names with f

  • Farhi =Name Meaning= happy, joyous, content.
  • Farhiyyan =Name Meaning= happy, content.
  • Fariborz =Name Meaning= possessor of great glory.
  • Farih =Name Meaning= happy, full of joy.
  • Faris =Name Meaning= rider, horseman.
  • Farivar =Name Meaning= upright, correct, right.
  • Farjad =Name Meaning= wise, endowed with knowledge.
  • Farjam =Name Meaning= conclusion, end result, destiny.
  • Farman =Name Meaning= command, commandment.
  • Farmanullah =Name Meaning= Command of Allah.
  • Farnad =Name Meaning= conclusion (the end or end result of something).
  • Farnam =Name Meaning= one who has a great name.
  • Farokh =Name Meaning= blessed, fortunate, good.
  • Farood =Name Meaning= unique, peerless, singular.
  • Farraj =Name Meaning= happy, joyous, jubilant.
  • Farrajuddin =Name Meaning= Delighted for religion.
  • Farrokhzad =Name Meaning= born in a state of blessedness.
  • Farrooh =Name Meaning= happy, joyful.
  • Farsad =Name Meaning= wise, endowed with knowledge, intelligent.
  • Farshad =Name Meaning= great happiness, joy, glory.

Arabic names with f boy

  • Farsheed =Name Meaning= majestic and radiant.
  • Fartash =Name Meaning= existence, being, the opposite of nothingness.
  • Farvardin =Name Meaning= Name of first month of Persian calendar.
  • Farwan =Name Meaning= wealthy, living in abundance.
  • Faryar =Name Meaning= majestic, magnificent.
  • Farzad =Name Meaning= majestic birth.
  • Farzam =Name Meaning= worthy, deserving.
  • Fateem =Name Meaning= Weaned babies.
  • Fathan =Name Meaning= guide, conqueror.
  • Fathi =Name Meaning= one who guides others, one who begins.
  • Fathuddin =Name Meaning= guidance of the faith.
  • Fathullah =Name Meaning= Allah’s guidance, God’s help and support.
  • Fatnan =Name Meaning= skilled, clever, keen, brilliant.
  • Fatooh =Name Meaning= one who guides others.
  • Fawaid =Name Meaning= benefits, beneficial things.
  • Fawiz =Name Meaning= successful, winner.
  • Fawzan =Name Meaning= successful, victorious.
  • Fayid =Name Meaning= winner, benefiter.
  • Fayyaz =Name Meaning= constant doer of good deeds.
  • Fazeel =Name Meaning= excellent, praiseworthy, generous.

quranic names starting with f for boy

  • Fazl =Name Meaning= courtesy, noble deed, superiority.
  • Fazli =Name Meaning= excellent, praiseworthy, generous.
  • Fazluddin =Name Meaning= excellence of the faith.
  • Fazlullah =Name Meaning= bounty of Allah.
  • Ferasat =Name Meaning= keenness, acumen, vision.
  • Fikr =Name Meaning= thought, concept.
  • Fikrat =Name Meaning= thought, conception.
  • Firas =Name Meaning= skilled horseman, skilled rider.
  • Firhad =Name Meaning= good-looking and full-bodied (i.e. not thin).
  • Firtan =Name Meaning= good water.
  • Firwad =Name Meaning= independent-minded, unique in his opinions.
  • Fuhaid =Name Meaning= little cheetah.
  • Fuhaim =Name Meaning= understanding, comphrehending, intelligent.
  • Fulaih =Name Meaning= successful.
  • Fulaihan =Name Meaning= successful.
  • Furaij =Name Meaning= relief, removal of fear and sadness.
  • Furhud =Name Meaning= lion cub. good-looking and full-bodied (not thin).
  • Fursat =Name Meaning= opportunity, right time.
  • Furud =Name Meaning= uniqueness, singularity.
  • Futaih =Name Meaning= Guidance, conquest.
  • Futain =Name Meaning= brilliant, keen, intelligent.
  • Futooh =Name Meaning= conquests, victories.
  • Fuzailan =Name Meaning= excellent, praiseworthy, generous.
  • Fuzzal =Name Meaning= excellent, praiseworthy, righteous.

islamic boy names with meaning (in two words)

  • Faheem Hasan =Name Meaning= wise good man.
  • Faheem Faisal =Name Meaning= Sharp wise judge.
  • Fateen Ishraq =Name Meaning= Sharp intelligent beautiful.
  • Firuz Mahmood =Name Meaning= Prosperous praised.
  • Fahim Anis =Name Meaning= Wise friend.
  • Fahim Shakieel =Name Meaning= Intelligent man.
  • Farhan Anzum =Name Meaning= Cheerful truthful.
  • Fahim Ahmad =Name Meaning= Intelligent is highly appreciative.
  • Fajlul Hoq =Name Meaning= The mercy of truth.
  • Fahim Habib =Name Meaning= Sharp intelligent fellow.
  • Faizul Kabeer =Name Meaning= More resources.
  • Feruz Wadud =Name Meaning= Prosperous friend.
  • Farhan Mashuq =Name Meaning= Cheerful lover.
  • Fahim Morshid =Name Meaning= Wise guide.
  • Fuad Hasan =Name Meaning= Beautiful mind, heart.
  • Fahim Shariyar =Name Meaning= wise king.
  • Fakhrul Islam =Name Meaning= Islam’s honor, glory.
  • Fakhrul Abeden =Name Meaning= Glory to worshipers.
  • Farid Ahmad =Name Meaning= The over-praised incomparable.
  • Firoz Ahmad =Name Meaning= The highly acclaimed winner.

  • Ferdawsul Hoque =Name Meaning= The Garden of True Paradise.
  • Farhatul Hasan =Name Meaning= Good pleasure.
  • Faruque Ahmad =Name Meaning= The overrated differentiator.
  • Fayjur Rahman =Name Meaning= Merciful kindness.
  • Fayez Ahmad =Name Meaning= Merciful gift exceedingly praised.
  • Fayjul Hoq =Name Meaning= The grace of truth.
  • Faisal Ahmad =Name Meaning= Appreciative Judge.
  • Farhad Ullah =Name Meaning= God’s love.
  • Fahim Muntasir =Name Meaning= Clever wins.
  • Fahim Mashuq =Name Meaning= intelligent lover.
  • Farhan Rafiq =Name Meaning= cheerful friend.
  • Furkanul Hoq =Name Meaning= The distinction between truth and falsity is decisive.
  • Fazlul Kabir =Name Meaning= Grace of the Glorious.
  • Fazlul Kader =Name Meaning= Grace of the Almighty.
  • Fazlul Bari =Name Meaning= Grace of God.
  • Fazlul Majid =Name Meaning= Grace of the Majesty.
  • Fazle Elahi =Name Meaning= God’s grace.
  • Fazle Kabir =Name Meaning= Grace of the Glorious.
  • Fazle Hasan =Name Meaning= Beautiful grace.
  • Faizul Basit =Name Meaning= Grace of the Expansive.

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  • Faisal Tanvir =Name Meaning= The judge is enlightened.
  • Faisal Naqib =Name Meaning= judge leader.
  • Farhan Anis =Name Meaning= cheerful friend.
  • Farhan Zahin =Name Meaning= Cheerful genius.
  • Farhan Nadim =Name Meaning= Cheerful fellow.
  • Faid Qaisar =Name Meaning= Incomparable Emperor.
  • Farid Rabbani =Name Meaning= Incomparably heavenly.
  • Faizus Salehin =Name Meaning= Religion is grace.
  • Faiza Mahbub =Name Meaning= A kind friend.
  • Fayad Arman =Name Meaning= Proud aspirations.
  • Nayad Naqib =Name Meaning= proud leader.
  • Faiad Mahmud =Name Meaning= Proudly appreciated.
  • Fatin Arman =Name Meaning= nice wish.
  • Faizul Muram =Name Meaning= Winner feat.
  • Farhan Jahid =Name Meaning= Cheerful striver.
  • Farhan Naqib =Name Meaning= Cheerful leader.
  • Faruq Newaz =Name Meaning= The gift of distinguishing between truth and falsehood.
  • Faruq Subhan =Name Meaning= The Holy Differentiator.
  • Fahim Faisal =Name Meaning= wise judge.
  • Fahim Musaddeq =Name Meaning= Intelligent Certifier.

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  • Fahim Firoz =Name Meaning= Intelligent is systematic.
  • Firoz Rashid =Name Meaning= Prosperous Guide.
  • Fuad Nasir =Name Meaning= The heart is the helper.
  • Fuad Mahbub =Name Meaning= Heart friend.
  • Faheem Hasan =Name Meaning= Sharp intelligent beautiful.
  • Fateen Ishraq =Name Meaning= Good morning.
  • Fatiq Dileer =Name Meaning= A brave man.
  • Feroz Mahmood =Name Meaning= Prosperous praised.
  • Fazlur Rahman =Name Meaning= Kindness of grace.
  • Fateen Anzum =Name Meaning= beautiful star.
  • Farhan Tanveer =Name Meaning= Cheerful, enlightened intelligent.
  • Fahim Anis =Name Meaning= Wise friend.
  • Faizul Kabeer =Name Meaning= More mercy, grace.
  • Farhan Sadiq =Name Meaning= Cheerful stars.
  • Faruque Hossain =Name Meaning= Beautiful differentiator.
  • Fahad Nadim =Name Meaning= lion friend.
  • Fahad Habib =Name Meaning= lion friend.
  • Fahad Naser =Name Meaning= Lion is the helper.
  • Fahad Naqib =Name Meaning= lion leader.
  • Fahad Farid =Name Meaning= The lion is incomparable.
  • Fahad Amjad =Name Meaning= The lion is respected.
  • Fayej Naj =Name Meaning= big heart.
  • Faizur rahman =Name Meaning= Grace and abundance from Allah.
  • Fajrul Islam =Name Meaning= Dawn of Islam.
  • Fakhr al Din =Name Meaning= Deen pride.

Last talk: Muslim Boy Names Starting With F

When browsing through the list of Muslim names, I trust that those seeking to give Islamic names to their sons can discover options from the aforementioned post. You are free to select the name that resonates with you. The name details provided on this website strive to be as precise as possible, gathered through extensive research in books and online sources. Nonetheless, the information presented here should not be considered as legal or religious advice.

The significance of a name can vary in different contexts, as a word can have multiple meanings. While this site typically offers one interpretation of a name, it is important to note that the same name may hold different meanings in various sources. If you are fond of a particular name, it is advisable to explore its meanings through different avenues.

Furthermore, it is crucial to seek guidance from a scholar before finalizing the name for a Muslim newborn or when naming your child. You may seek advice from the imam at your local mosque or other religious authorities.

Naming a child with a name that carries a positive meaning is a right of the child. Therefore, it is recommended to always choose a name with a good meaning when naming your child.

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To know the meaning of the name in Bengali, visit- Namer Diary website

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