Through this post, know the correct meaning of Islamic boys names (125+ All Muslim Boy Names Starting With I, islamic names for boys).
This post is dedicated to individuals who are constantly searching for handsome boy names online. Discover the meanings of names beginning with the letter “I” for Islamic boys here. It is crucial for parents to choose a name that will bestow a positive personality upon their child. Selecting a baby name is a significant decision for parents, particularly for Muslims who value names with meaningful definitions.
I have tried to check and publish many Islamic names for boys with ‘I’.
See more- Name Meaning In Website
Table of Contents
All Muslim Boy Names Starting With I
Serial | Name | Name Meaning |
1. | Ikhlas | Purity, integrity |
2. | Ibrahim | The name of the Prophet and the father of the Muslim nation |
3. | Imamul | The religious leader |
4. | Imtiyaz | Honor, Excellence, Character |
5. | Imdad | Help and cooperation |
6. | Ikhtekhar | Honor, glory |
7. | Iqdam | Courage, action |
8. | Ibtehaj | Happiness, joy, satisfaction |
9. | Ismat | Holiness, virtue |
10. | Isad | To make happy or prosperous |
11. | Ishaq | The name of a prophet |
12. | Isam | Connection, bond, commitment |
13. | Iskandar | Protector of the people |
14. | Iqtidar | Ability, ability or power |
15. | Irtaza | Beloved, chosen, happy, satisfied |
16. | Itkan | Skill |
17. | Irshad | Guidance, instruction |
18. | Irtiza | Satisfaction, approval |
19. | Ittefaq | Unity, possibility, coincidence |
20. | Ifrat | Respected |
21. | Ibadat | Prayer, worship |
22. | Ithaf | Giving gifts |
23. | Ijtinab | Avoid |
24. | Isbat | Prove it |
25. | Itiraf | Accepting |
26. | Idris | The name of a prophet |
27. | Insaf | Justice |
28. | Ittisaf | Praise |
29. | Idrak | Perception, vision, intelligence |
30. | Ittisam | To worry, to draw |
31. | Imam | The religious leader |
32. | Ittihad | Unity, union |
33. | Ihsan | Kindness, kindness |
34. | Ihtisham | Honor or dignity |
35. | Istifa | To choose, to choose |
36. | Israil | The Power of Belief |
37. | Ishat | Higher; happiness |
38. | Islah | Reform |
39. | Islam | Religion of Peace, Surrender |
40. | Itisam | To hold fast |
41. | Isfaque | Sympathy; kind heart |
42. | Ihtesham | Honorable, noble, respectable |
43. | Ibtikar | Coming into the future, innovation |
44. | Itemad | Dependence |
45. | Irfan | Wisdom or talent |
46. | Ibtisam | Happiness, laughter, joy |
47. | Itesam | Smile |
48. | Ihtisab | Calculating |
49. | Imad | Pillars or Poles, Pillars of Religion |
50. | Ishtiaq | Desire |
51. | Imran | Civilization, inhabited |
52. | Iftekhar | To be proud, to be proud |
53. | Ikram | Respect |
54. | Iqbal | To succeed, to come forward |
55. | Irtisam | The sign |
56. | Inayat | Giving, grace, kindness, care |
57. | Ibtida | The beginning of any work |
58. | Iban | Time |
59. | Ihtiyaz | The need |
60. | Iftikhar | Feeling proud |
61. | Ihzaz | Lucky |
62. | Isfar | Being enlightened |
63. | Ismail | The name of the famous Prophet |
64. | Ishraf | Showing respect |
65. | Ifad | Do favors |
66. | Ilias | The name of a prophet |
67. | Imarat | Governing the country |
68. | Izzo | Dignity |
69. | Izzat | Power, respect |
70. | Ilham | Intuition, inspiration |
71. | Ikrima | Companion’s name, female pigeon |
72. | Ikhtiyar | Choice, election |
73. | Ijtihad | The effort |
74. | Izaad | Loyalty, support |
75. | Ijab | Accept, agree |
76. | Inqiyad | Obligation |
77. | Inzamam | To unite |
78. | Insan | person or people |
79. | Inan | Level, status |
80. | Inam | Prize |
81. | Intikhab | Choice |
82. | Intesab | Descent, relationship or connection |
83. | Intisar | Victory |
84. | Ifrad | Unify |
85. | Ibriz | Gold, ruby, pearl and coral |
86. | Ibsar | Sight, intelligence |
87. | Iman | Believing, pious, pious |
88. | Ishtimam | Smell |
89. | Ishmam | Scented person |
90. | Ishrak | Morning, light, radiance |
91. | Ishrat | Happiness, happiness |
92. | Ishaal | To brighten, to brighten |
93. | Israr | Secret, mystery |
94. | Ihram | Strong determination |
95. | Imon | Starry, honest, vocal |
96. | Ilan | Declaring something, good person |
97. | Ilifat | Friendship, Kindness, Obligation |
98. | Intaj | King, Your Majesty |
99. | Irshaduddin | Instructions of Deen |
100. | Isamuddin | The Connection of Religion |
101. | Ikramuddin | Respecting religion |
102. | Ikhtekharuddin | Glory of religion |
103. | Ikhtiyaruddin | Choice of religion |
104. | Inamuddin | The reward of religion |
105. | Imamuddin | Leader of faith |
Islamic Boy Names Starting With I (in two words)
Serial | Name | Name Meaning |
1. | Ikramul Haque | Respecting truth |
2. | Imrul Kayes | Arabic poet’s name |
3. | Injimamul Haq | The Connection of Truth |
4. | Itkur Rahman | Exalted is the Merciful Allah |
5. | Ihtishamul Haque | The Dignity of Truth |
6. | Ihzaz Asif | Fortunate is the worthy |
7. | Izazul Haq | Truth is a miracle |
8. | Ikbal Aziz | Advanced dear |
9. | Ikbal Wafir | Enough improvement |
10. | Ikbal Wasi | Widespread improvement |
11. | Ikbal Monir | The improvement is astronomical |
12. | Ikbal Hakim | Improvement is the lawgiver |
13. | Iftekhar Fayez | Glory to the winner |
14. | Ibnul Amir | Prince |
15. | Ibnul Arif | Son of the wise |
16. | Ibrahim Khalil | Friend Ibrahim |
17. | Ismail Jabih | Dedicated Ishmael (A.S.) |
18. | Ismail Jabih | Knowledge of truth |
19. | Ismail Jabih | True cooperation |
20. | Ismail Jabih | The Guidance of Islam |
top 100 muslim boy names starting with i
- Ikhlas =Name Meaning= Purity, integrity
- Ibrahim =Name Meaning= The name of the Prophet and the father of the Muslim nation
- Imamul =Name Meaning= The religious leader
- Imtiyaz =Name Meaning= Honor, Excellence, Character
- Imdad =Name Meaning= Help and cooperation
- Ikhtekhar =Name Meaning= Honor, glory
- Iqdam =Name Meaning= Courage, action
- Ibtehaj =Name Meaning= Happiness, joy, satisfaction
- Ismat =Name Meaning= Holiness, virtue
- Isad =Name Meaning= To make happy or prosperous
- Ishaq =Name Meaning= The name of a prophet
- Isam =Name Meaning= Connection, bond, commitment
- Iskandar =Name Meaning= Protector of the people
- Iqtidar =Name Meaning= Ability, ability or power
- Irtaza =Name Meaning= Beloved, chosen, happy, satisfied
- Itkan =Name Meaning= Skill
- Irshad =Name Meaning= Guidance, instruction
- Irtiza =Name Meaning= Satisfaction, approval
- Ittefaq =Name Meaning= Unity, possibility, coincidence
- Ifrat =Name Meaning= Respected
- Ibadat =Name Meaning= Prayer, worship
- Ithaf =Name Meaning= Giving gifts
- Ijtinab =Name Meaning= Avoid
- Isbat =Name Meaning= Prove it
- Itiraf =Name Meaning= Accepting
- Idris =Name Meaning= The name of a prophet
- Insaf =Name Meaning= Justice
- Ittisaf =Name Meaning= Praise
- Idrak =Name Meaning= Perception, vision, intelligence
- Ittisam =Name Meaning= To worry, to draw
- Imam =Name Meaning= The religious leader
- Ittihad =Name Meaning= Unity, union
- Ihsan =Name Meaning= Kindness, kindness
- Ihtisham =Name Meaning= Honor or dignity
- Istifa =Name Meaning= To choose, to choose
- Israil =Name Meaning= The Power of Belief
- Ishat =Name Meaning= Higher; happiness
- Islah =Name Meaning= Reform
- Islam =Name Meaning= Religion of Peace, Surrender
- Itisam =Name Meaning= To hold fast
- Isfaque =Name Meaning= Sympathy; kind heart
- Ihtesham =Name Meaning= Honorable, noble, respectable
- Ibtikar =Name Meaning= Coming into the future, innovation
- Itemad =Name Meaning= Dependence
- Irfan =Name Meaning= Wisdom or talent
- Ibtisam =Name Meaning= Happiness, laughter, joy
- Itesam =Name Meaning= Smile
- Ihtisab =Name Meaning= Calculating
- Imad =Name Meaning= Pillars or Poles, Pillars of Religion
- Ishtiaq =Name Meaning= Desire
- Imran =Name Meaning= Civilization, inhabited
- Iftekhar =Name Meaning= To be proud, to be proud
- Ikram =Name Meaning= Respect
- Iqbal =Name Meaning= To succeed, to come forward
Top Islamic boy names starting with i
- Irtisam =Name Meaning= The sign
- Inayat =Name Meaning= Giving, grace, kindness, care
- Ibtida =Name Meaning= The beginning of any work
- Iban =Name Meaning= Time
- Ihtiyaz =Name Meaning= The need
- Iftikhar =Name Meaning= Feeling proud
- Ihzaz =Name Meaning= Lucky
- Isfar =Name Meaning= Being enlightened
- Ismail =Name Meaning= The name of the famous Prophet
- Ishraf =Name Meaning= Showing respect
- Ifad =Name Meaning= Do favors
- Ilias =Name Meaning= The name of a prophet
- Imarat =Name Meaning= Governing the country
- Izzo =Name Meaning= Dignity
- Izzat =Name Meaning= Power, respect
- Ilham =Name Meaning= Intuition, inspiration
- Ikrima =Name Meaning= Companion’s name, female pigeon
- Ikhtiyar =Name Meaning= Choice, election
- Ijtihad =Name Meaning= The effort
- Izaad =Name Meaning= Loyalty, support
- Ijab =Name Meaning= Accept, agree
- Inqiyad =Name Meaning= Obligation
- Inzamam =Name Meaning= To unite
- Insan =Name Meaning= person or people
- Inan =Name Meaning= Level, status
- Inam =Name Meaning= Prize
- Intikhab =Name Meaning= Choice
- Intesab =Name Meaning= Descent, relationship or connection
- Intisar =Name Meaning= Victory
- Ifrad =Name Meaning= Unify
- Ibriz =Name Meaning= Gold, ruby, pearl and coral
- Ibsar =Name Meaning= Sight, intelligence
- Iman =Name Meaning= Believing, pious, pious
- Ishtimam =Name Meaning= Smell
- Ishmam =Name Meaning= Scented person
- Ishrak =Name Meaning= Morning, light, radiance
- Ishrat =Name Meaning= Happiness, happiness
- Ishaal =Name Meaning= To brighten, to brighten
- Israr =Name Meaning= Secret, mystery
- Ihram =Name Meaning= Strong determination
- Imon =Name Meaning= Starry, honest, vocal
- Ilan =Name Meaning= Declaring something, good person
- Ilifat =Name Meaning= Friendship, Kindness, Obligation
- Intaj =Name Meaning= King, Your Majesty
- Irshaduddin =Name Meaning= Instructions of Deen
- Isamuddin =Name Meaning= The Connection of Religion
- Ikramuddin =Name Meaning= Respecting religion
- Ikhtekharuddin =Name Meaning= Glory of religion
- Ikhtiyaruddin =Name Meaning= Choice of religion
- Inamuddin =Name Meaning= The reward of religion
- Imamuddin =Name Meaning= Leader of faith
modern islamic boy names starting with i
- Ikramul Haque =Name Meaning= Respecting truth
- Imrul Kayes =Name Meaning= Arabic poet’s name
- Injimamul Haq =Name Meaning= The Connection of Truth
- Itkur Rahman =Name Meaning= Exalted is the Merciful Allah
- Ihtishamul Haque =Name Meaning= The Dignity of Truth
- Ihzaz Asif =Name Meaning= Fortunate is the worthy
- Izazul Haq =Name Meaning= Truth is a miracle
- Ikbal Aziz =Name Meaning= Advanced dear
- Ikbal Wafir =Name Meaning= Enough improvement
- Ikbal Wasi =Name Meaning= Widespread improvement
- Ikbal Monir =Name Meaning= The improvement is astronomical
- Ikbal Hakim =Name Meaning= Improvement is the lawgiver
- Iftekhar Fayez =Name Meaning= Glory to the winner
- Ibnul Amir =Name Meaning= Prince
- Ibnul Arif =Name Meaning= Son of the wise
- Ibrahim Khalil =Name Meaning= Friend Ibrahim
- Ismail Jabih =Name Meaning= Dedicated Ishmael (A.S.)
- Ismail Jabih =Name Meaning= Knowledge of truth
- Ismail Jabih =Name Meaning= True cooperation
- Ismail Jabih =Name Meaning= The Guidance of Islam
Last talk: Islamic names for boys with I
By looking at the list of Muslim names, I hope those who want to give Islamic names to their boys can find out through the above post. And you can choose the name of your choice. The name information of this site is tried to be as accurate as possible, which is collected by checking a lot from books or online. However, the contents of this site do not constitute legal or specifically religious advice.
Sometimes the meaning of a name can be different in different contexts because a word does not only have one meaning but also many meanings. Here mostly one meaning of the name is given but in many places the same name may have different meanings. So if you like the name, you can try to know the meaning of this name in different ways.
Note: Another key point is that before finalizing the name of a Muslim newborn baby or while naming your child, you can ask any scholar whether the name can be kept. You can consult the imam of the local mosque or religious experts.
(Name the child with good meaning, a name with good meaning is a child’s right, so while naming, always name with good meaning.)
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