All Muslim Boy Names Starting With Q, Islamic Names For Boys

Through this post, know the correct meaning of Islamic boys names (All Muslim Boy Names Starting With Q, islamic names for boys).

Today’s article is dedicated to individuals who are constantly seeking out attractive male names online. Here, you will discover the meanings behind names starting with the letter Q, specifically Islamic boy names. It is crucial for parents to select a name that will contribute to the child’s positive character development. The process of choosing a baby name involves various factors, and within the Muslim community, names with significant meanings are highly valued.

I have endeavored to compile and share a variety of Islamic boy names beginning with ‘Q’ for your consideration.

See more- Name Meaning In Website

All Muslim Boy Names Starting With Q

SerialName=Name Meaning
1.Qabil=Name Meaning=acceptor, approver, enabler
2.Qayyum=Name Meaning=Allah’s Name, Immortal
3.Qadim=Name Meaning=Ancient, that comes, that goes forth
4.Qarib=Name Meaning=nearby
5.Qabel=Name Meaning=receptive, able
6.Qobad=Name Meaning=dear king
7.Qindil=Name Meaning=oil lamp
8.Qabus=Name Meaning=handsome
9.Qabis=Name Meaning=the acquirer of knowledge
10.Qablan=Name Meaning=Forward, receptive
11.Qabul=Name Meaning=acceptance, approval
12.Qaddar=Name Meaning=arranger, organiser
13.Qadiman=Name Meaning=Ancient, age-old, time-honored
14.Qadimi=Name Meaning=advance, one who advances, one who comes
15.Qadoom=Name Meaning=brave
16.Qadri=Name Meaning=Strong, able
17.Qaleeb=Name Meaning=the well
18.Qamrani=Name Meaning=Moonlight, white as the moon
19.Qamrun=Name Meaning=the moon
20.Qareen=Name Meaning=friend, companion
21.Qari=Name Meaning=A reciter, a reciter of the Qur’an
22.Qarni=Name Meaning=sharp
23.Qaseet=Name Meaning=fair, just”
24.Qasheeb=Name Meaning=Fresh, clean
25.Qasimi=Name Meaning=Distributor, Divider
26.Qasmun=Name Meaning=handsome
27.Qaswar=Name Meaning=Lion, the mighty youth
28.Qaswari=Name Meaning=Brave, heroic, like a lion
29.Qayyam=Name Meaning=Stands, stands for prayer
30.Qiblah=Name Meaning=direction
31.Qirtas=Name Meaning=Paper, sheet of paper
32.Qismat=Name Meaning=destiny, fate
33.Qudaiman=Name Meaning=brave
34.Qulaib=Name Meaning=Heart, conscience
35.Qunbar=Name Meaning=a kind of bird
36.Qusait=Name Meaning=Fair, fair
37.Qaid=Name Meaning=Director, leader
38.Quddus=Name Meaning=Holy is the name of Allah
39.Qudrat=Name Meaning=Power, power, miracle
40.Qurbat=Name Meaning=Proximity
41.Qawi=Name Meaning=Strong, firm
42.Qavi=Name Meaning=strong
43.Qahhar=Name Meaning=Allah’s name
44.Qiyam=Name Meaning=To establish
45.Qaim=Name Meaning=Emerging, fixed, existing, well-established
46.Qutub=Name Meaning=Leading, chief, leader
47.Qatadah=Name Meaning=Name of a companion
48.Qasid=Name Meaning=the messenger
49.Qurban=Name Meaning=Sacrifice, dedicated
50.Qamar=Name Meaning=Moon or moonlight
51.Qassam=Name Meaning=distributor
52.Qayyim=Name Meaning=Right, true, proper
53.Qawam=Name Meaning=Support, Manager
54.Qutbullah=Name Meaning=Chief in the service of Allah
55.Qudratullah=Name Meaning=Power from Allah
56.Qasimuddin=Name Meaning=Distributor of faith
57.Qamarussalam=Name Meaning=The moon of peace, the moon of God
58.Qutbuddin=Name Meaning=Leader of faith, head of faith
59.Qamaruzzaman=Name Meaning=The moon of the age
60.Qamaruddin=Name Meaning=The moon of faith, the moon of religion
61.Qamarur Rahman=Name Meaning=“The Moon of Ar-Rahman
62.Qutb Ullah=Name Meaning=A leader in the service of God
Islamic names for boys with Q

Last talk: Islamic names for boys with Q

The previous discussion focused on Islamic names for boys starting with the letter Q. It is my hope that those seeking to give their sons Islamic names can find suitable options from the list provided above. The name information on this platform has been meticulously gathered from various sources such as books and online resources to ensure accuracy. However, it is important to note that the contents of this site do not serve as legal or religious advice.

It is worth mentioning that the meaning of a name can vary depending on the context, as words often have multiple interpretations. While the list primarily provides one meaning for each name, it is possible for the same name to hold different meanings in various contexts. Therefore, if a particular name appeals to you, it is advisable to explore its meaning through different sources.

Furthermore, it is recommended to seek guidance from a knowledgeable individual, such as a scholar or imam, before finalizing the name for a Muslim newborn or when naming your child. Consulting with religious experts can provide valuable insights into whether a specific name is appropriate. Remember, naming a child with a name that holds a positive meaning is their right, so always strive to choose a name with a good significance.

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To know the meaning of the name in Bengali, visit- Namer Diary website

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