146+ Muslim Boy Names Starting With R, Islamic Boys Names

Through this post, know the correct meaning of Islamic boys names (146+ All Muslim Boy Names Starting With R, islamic names for boys).

This article is focused on those who are in search of appealing male names on the internet. Within this piece, you will explore the significance of names that begin with the letter Q, particularly Islamic boy names. Selecting a name that fosters positive character growth in children is essential for parents. The selection of a baby name encompasses multiple considerations, and meaningful names hold great importance within the Muslim society.

I have taken the initiative to gather and present a range of Islamic boy names starting with ‘Q’ for you to review and contemplate.

See more- Name Meaning In Website

All Muslim Boy Names Starting With R

SerialNameName Meaning
1.RakibObserver, controller, inspector.
2.RafidHelper, supporter.
3.Rafihigh, great
4.RashedWell-directed, wise, guiding.
5. RedwanSatisfied, virtuous, pious.
6.RahatRest, comfort, peace of mind.
7.RezaSatisfied, virtuous, pious.
8.Rafiqfriend, companion.
9.RaufCompassionate, merciful, kind.
10.RagibAspiring, willing.
11.RamizWise, noble, intelligent.
12.RazinCalm, dignified, composed.
13.RazeenCalm, dignified, composed.
14.RashidGuiding, well-directed, wise.
15.RabbaniA righteous person belongs to Allah.
16.RaeesLeader, master.
17.RaihanGood scent, perfume, flower.
18.RaheebMerciful, kind.
19.RoshidGuide to the right path.
20.RahmatCompassion, mercy, kindness.
21.RahibMerciful, kind.
22.RabihGainer, winner, one who gains.
23.RanaBeautiful, eye-catching.
24.RaziSatisfied, happy, agreeable/ Eminent scholar.
25.RafatKind, Compassionate / High Esteem.
26.Rafizpiece, way.
27.RaheemMerciful, merciful.
28.Ramzancombustion, the month of fasting.
29.RaahemKind, kind, tender hearted.
30.RajiHopeful, full of hope.
31.RafeeHigh status, high, noble and great.
32.RaqimWriter, Recorder.
34.RahimKind, merciful, tender hearted.
35.Ratibregular, arranger.
36.RaadVajra/ Scout, explorer, pioneer.
37.Rahbarguide or leader.
38.RafaatHighness, greatness, glory.
39.RashadRight direction, right path.
40.RaqibThe Watcher, one of the names of Allah.
41.RihabMagnanimity, open-mindedness, generosity.
43.Raheelto leave, to depart, to depart.
44. Ruh/ Roohthe soul.
45.RushdAwareness, the right path.
46.RahilPassenger, who departs for the journey.
47.RasheeqMind blowing, beautiful.
48. Rida/RizaSatisfied, virtuous, pious.
49.Riazbeautiful garden.
50.RoshanBright, shiny, radiant.
51.RiyadUdayan, the capital of Saudi Arabia.
52.RiasatLeadership, governance.
53.RazaContentment, satisfaction, joy.
54.RowshanBright, shiny, radiant.
55.RokanSteady, confident.
56.RustamTall, strong, famous hero of Iran.
57.RabiSpring, gentle breeze/sunshine.
58. RafiuddinA great follower of Islam.
59.RajabArabic seventh month name, great.
60.RabiulSpring / Sunshine.
61. RamazaniArabic month of mercy.
62.Rahamkindness, grace.
63.Rafezpart, way.
64. Rahij/RahidShow me the right way, beautiful.
65.RaiyanThe door of Paradise for the fasting person.
66.RakinRespectful, firm, confident.
67.Rajahope, desire.
68.RayanThe door of Paradise for the fasting person.
69.Rajihsuperior, chief, preferred.
70.RafeedHelper, supporter.
71.RafazWay, path, piece, part.
72.Raizthe prince.
73.RabatIslamic base or fort.
74.RamiHappy, joyful, restless.
75.RaiqPure, clean, quiet, serene.
77.RaidLeader, pioneer, guide.
78.RasikhWell-established, stable, fixed.
79.RasulMessenger/Messenger of Allah.
80.RasimPlanners, Designers, Architects
81.RahidShow me the right way, beautiful.
82.Rijalmost successful.
83.Rihalthe protector.
84.RujhanKnowledge, intelligence.
85.RumiPeaceful, good, honorable.
86.RushdiMature, wise.
87.RubabGood deeds, blessings, strong ties.
88.RejabGreat, wonderful.
89.RaboohWinner, who gains.
90. RidwanGrace, pleasure, satisfaction.
91.Rifqi​​Gentle, calm, kind.
92.Rafaqat​​Friendship, closeness.
93.Radiforder (Persian name).
94.RabeehThe winner, the one who gains.
95.Razmystery, secret.
96.RadeenFree, not a slave (Persian name).
97.Radmangenerous, selfless (Persian name).
98. RadmehrGenerous and Radiant (Persian name).
99.RafaaqGentle, gentle.
100.RajuKing of the world, prosperity.
102.RadvinGenerous, magnanimous.
103.RaedLeader, pioneer, guide.
104.RaheefGentle, gentle.
105.RafayetHigh status, high, noble and great.
106.RafeeqFriend, companion, gentleman.
107.RahayimMerciful, Merciful.
108.RahbahWide, open areas.
109.RahbatVast land, vast area of land.
110.RaisuddinThe leader of religion.
111.RefayetElevation, importance, power.
112.RahmatullahGod’s mercy.
113.RefaetullahExalted by Allah.
114.RiazuddinGarden of religion.
115.RaihanuddinThe flower of religion.
116.Rakeendignified, composed.
117.RuknuddinPillar or support of religion.
118.RaifKind, compassionate.
119.RajhanWise, intelligent.
120.RakeedCalm, serene.
121.RaqianElevated, high rank, dignity.
122.RakhwanComfort of life, wealth and abundance.
123.RameenJoyful, happy and active.
124.Ramiarthe shepherd.
125.RidfanDay and night cycle.
126.RaseenFirmly in place, deeply rooted.
127.RashdanWise, wisdom, decisiveness.
128.Razeemroar of the lion.
129.RazhanSleep, cut a groove.
130.RazwanPreferred, chosen, desired.
131.Ruknpillar, support.
132.RifatHigh status, greatness, glory.
133.Rifaqfriend, companion.
134.RifqatGentleness, gentleness.
135.RuhabTolerant, open minded, generous.
136RuhailTo leave, to travel.
137.RuhanSpiritual, relating to the soul.
138.Rukainpillar, support.
139. RuwaihimKind, compassionate, forgiving.
140.Rumaizsymbol, sign, indication.
141. Ruqaimmark, seal.
142. RushaidRightly guided, rightly guided.
143. RushdanRight direction, right path.
144.RuwayfiHigh, advanced, excellent.
145. RuwaiqPure.
146.Ruwaischief, leader.
Muslim Boy Names Starting With R

arabic boy names starting with r

  • Rafid =name meaning= Helper, supporter.
  • Rahat =name meaning= Rest, comfort, peace of mind.
  • Rashed =name meaning= Well-directed, wise, guiding.
  • Redwan =name meaning= Satisfied, virtuous, pious.
  • Rakib =name meaning= Observer, controller, inspector.
  • Reza =name meaning= Satisfied, virtuous, pious.
  • Rafiq =name meaning= friend, companion.
  • Rauf =name meaning= Compassionate, merciful, kind.
  • Ragib =name meaning= Aspiring, willing.
  • Ramiz =name meaning= Wise, noble, intelligent.
  • Rafi =name meaning= high, great.
  • Razeen =name meaning= Calm, dignified, composed.
  • Rashid =name meaning= Guiding, well-directed, wise.
  • Rabbani =name meaning= A righteous person belongs to Allah.
  • Raees =name meaning= Leader, master.
  • Raihan =name meaning= Good scent, perfume, flower.
  • Razin =name meaning= Calm, dignified, composed.
  • Roshid =name meaning= Guide to the right path.
  • Rahmat =name meaning= Compassion, mercy, kindness.
  • Rahib =name meaning= Merciful, kind.
  • Rabih =name meaning= Gainer, winner, one who gains.
  • Rana =name meaning= Beautiful, eye-catching.
  • Razi =name meaning= Satisfied, happy, agreeable/ Eminent scholar.
  • Raheeb =name meaning= Merciful, kind.
  • Rafiz =name meaning= piece, way.
  • Raheem =name meaning= Merciful, merciful.
  • Ramzan =name meaning= combustion, the month of fasting.
  • Raahem =name meaning= Kind, kind, tender hearted.
  • Raji =name meaning= Hopeful, full of hope.
  • Rafat =name meaning= Kind, Compassionate / High Esteem.
  • Raqim =name meaning= Writer, Recorder.
  • Raqiq =name meaning= Soft.
  • Rahim =name meaning= Kind, merciful, tender hearted.
  • Ratib =name meaning= regular, arranger.
  • Raad =name meaning= thunder/ Scout, explorer, pioneer.
  • Rahbar =name meaning= guide or leader.
  • Rafaat =name meaning= Highness, greatness, glory.
  • Rafee =name meaning= High status, high, noble and great.
  • Raqib =name meaning= The Watcher, one of the names of Allah.
  • Rihab =name meaning= Magnanimity, open-mindedness, generosity.
  • Rumman =name meaning= Pomegranate.
  • Raheel =name meaning= to leave, to depart, to depart.
  • Rashad =name meaning= Right direction, right path.
  • Rushd =name meaning= Awareness, the right path.
  • Rahil =name meaning= Passenger, who departs for the journey.
  • Rasheeq =name meaning= Mind blowing, beautiful.
  • Rida/Riza =name meaning= Satisfied, virtuous, pious.
  • Ruh/ Rooh =name meaning= the soul.
  • Roshan =name meaning= Bright, shiny, radiant.
  • Riyad =name meaning= Udayan, the capital of Saudi Arabia.
  • Riasat =name meaning= Leadership, governance.
  • Riaz =name meaning= beautiful garden.
  • Rowshan =name meaning= Bright, shiny, radiant.
  • Rabi =name meaning= Spring, gentle breeze/sunshine.
  • Rahij/Rahid =name meaning= Show me the right way, beautiful.
  • Raiyan =name meaning= The door of Paradise for the fasting person.
  • Rakin =name meaning= Respectful, firm, confident.

Beautiful Islamic names for boys with R

  • Raja =name meaning= hope, desire.
  • Rokan =name meaning= Steady, confident.
  • Rustam =name meaning= Tall, strong, famous hero of Iran.
  • Raza =name meaning= Contentment, satisfaction, joy.
  • Rafiuddin =name meaning= A great follower of Islam.
  • Rajab =name meaning= Arabic seventh month name, great.
  • Rabiul =name meaning= Spring / Sunshine.
  •  Ramazani =name meaning= Arabic month of mercy.
  • Raham =name meaning= kindness, grace.
  • Rayan =name meaning= The door of Paradise for the fasting person.
  • Rajih =name meaning= superior, chief, preferred.
  • Rafeed =name meaning= Helper, supporter.
  • Rafaz =name meaning= Way, path, piece, part.
  • Rafez =name meaning= part, way.
  • Rabat =name meaning= Islamic base or fort.
  • Rami =name meaning= Happy, joyful, restless.
  • Raiq =name meaning= Pure, clean, quiet, serene.
  • Raiz =name meaning= the prince.
  • Raid =name meaning= Leader, pioneer, guide.
  • Rasikh =name meaning= Well-established, stable, fixed.

Top 10 Islamic Names for Boys Beginning with the Letter R

  • Rasul =name meaning= Messenger/Messenger of Allah.
  • Rasim =name meaning= Planners, Designers, Architects
  • Rahid =name meaning= Show me the right way, beautiful.
  • Rimon =name meaning= Pomegranate.
  • Rubab =name meaning= Good deeds, blessings, strong ties.
  • Rejab =name meaning= Great, wonderful.
  • Rijal =name meaning= most successful.
  • Ridwan =name meaning= Grace, pleasure, satisfaction.
  • Rifqi =name meaning= Gentle, calm, kind.
  • Rihal =name meaning= the protector.
  • Rujhan =name meaning= Knowledge, intelligence.
  • Rumi =name meaning= Peaceful, good, honorable.
  • Rushdi =name meaning= Mature, wise.
  • Rafaqat =name meaning= Friendship, closeness.
  • Radif =name meaning= order (Persian name).
  • Rabeeh =name meaning= The winner, the one who gains.
  • Rabooh =name meaning= Winner, who gains.
  • Radeen =name meaning= Free, not a slave (Persian name).
  • Radman =name meaning= generous, selfless (Persian name).
  • Radmehr =name meaning= Generous and Radiant (Persian name).
  • Raz =name meaning= mystery, secret.
  • Raju =name meaning= King of the world, prosperity.
  • Radooh =name meaning= Brave.
  • Radvin =name meaning= Generous, magnanimous.
  • Raed =name meaning= Leader, pioneer, guide.
  • Rahbat =name meaning= Vast land, vast area of land.
  • Raheef =name meaning= Gentle, gentle.
  • Refayet =name meaning= Elevation, importance, power.
  • Rahmatullah =name meaning= God’s mercy.
  • Refaetullah =name meaning= Exalted by Allah.
  • Riazuddin =name meaning= Garden of religion.
  • Raihanuddin =name meaning= The flower of religion.
  • Raisuddin =name meaning= The leader of religion.
  • Ruknuddin =name meaning= Pillar or support of religion.
  • Raif =name meaning= Kind, compassionate.
  • Rajhan =name meaning= Wise, intelligent.
  • Rakeed =name meaning= Calm, serene.
  • Rafaaq =name meaning= Gentle, gentle.
  • Rafayet =name meaning= High status, high, noble and great.
  • Rafeeq =name meaning= Friend, companion, gentleman.
  • Rahayim =name meaning= Merciful, Merciful.
  • Rahbah =name meaning= Wide, open areas.
  • Rakeen =name meaning= dignified, composed.
  • Rakhwan =name meaning= Comfort of life, wealth and abundance.
  • Rameen =name meaning= Joyful, happy and active.
  • Ramiar =name meaning= the shepherd.
  • Raqian =name meaning= Elevated, high rank, dignity.
  • Raseen =name meaning= Firmly in place, deeply rooted.
  • Rashdan =name meaning= Wise, wisdom, decisiveness.
  • Razeem =name meaning= roar of the lion.
  • Razhan =name meaning= Sleep, cut a groove.
  • Razwan =name meaning= Preferred, chosen, desired.
  • Ridfan =name meaning= Day and night cycle.
  • Rifat =name meaning= High status, greatness, glory.
  • Rifaq =name meaning= friend, companion.
  • Rukn =name meaning= pillar, support.
  • Rumaiz =name meaning= symbol, sign, indication.
  • Ruqaim =name meaning= mark, seal.
  • Rushaid =name meaning= Rightly guided, rightly guided.
  • Rushdan =name meaning= Right direction, right path.
  • Ruwaihim =name meaning= Kind, compassionate, forgiving.
  • Rifqat =name meaning= Gentleness, gentleness.
  • Ruhab =name meaning= Tolerant, open minded, generous.
  • Ruhail =name meaning= To leave, to travel.
  • Ruhan =name meaning= Spiritual, relating to the soul.
  • Rukain =name meaning= pillar, support.
  • Ruwaiq =name meaning= Pure.
  • Ruwais =name meaning= chief, leader.
  • Ruwayfi =name meaning= High, advanced, excellent.

Last talk: Islamic names for boys with R

  1. The compilation of Muslim names provided above aims to assist those seeking to give their sons Islamic names, ensuring accuracy through thorough research from various sources. However, it is important to note that the information on this site does not serve as legal or religious advice.
  2. Names can hold multiple meanings depending on the context, so it is advisable to explore the significance of a name through different sources before making a decision.
  3. Prior to finalizing a name for a Muslim newborn or child, seeking guidance from a scholar or religious authority, such as the local imam, is recommended to ensure the name is appropriate and carries a positive meaning. Remember, naming a child with a good meaning is their right and should be done thoughtfully.

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