207+ Muslim Boy Names Starting With T, Islamic Boys Name

Through this post, know the correct meaning of Islamic boys names (207+ All Muslim Boy Names Starting With T, islamic names for boys).

  1. This post aims to provide insight into the meanings of Islamic boys’ names starting with the letter T, offering over 207 options for Muslim parents seeking a name for their son. It emphasizes the importance of selecting a name that reflects a positive personality for the child. Muslims typically prioritize names with beautiful meanings when choosing a name for their baby boy.
  2. The post serves as a resource for individuals searching for meaningful and aesthetically pleasing names for boys, specifically focusing on Islamic names that begin with the letter T. It highlights the significance of selecting a name that aligns with the child’s character and values, guiding parents in making a thoughtful choice for their son.

See more- Name Meaning In Website

All Muslim Boy Names Starting With T

SerialName=Name Meaning
1.Taher=Name Meaning=Holy, pure, clean, sinless
2.Tazim=Name Meaning=Respect, devotion, respect
3.Takrim=Name Meaning=to respect
4.Takbir=Name Meaning=To raise, to say Allahu Akbar
5.Talib=Name Meaning=Enquirer/seeker of knowledge
6.Tahmeed=Name Meaning=Praise God
7.Tawheed=Name Meaning=Belief in the Oneness of God
8.Tawfique=Name Meaning=Success, prosperity, opportunity
9.Tanveer=Name Meaning=Lighting, blooming
10.Tayyib=Name Meaning=Good, holy, pure
11.Tarique=Name Meaning=Evening visitors; dry
12.Talha=Name Meaning=Name of a kind of tree/companion
13.Tahsin=Name Meaning=To beautify, to do well
14.Taj=Name Meaning=the crown
15.Tajwar=Name Meaning=King, ruler, royal person
16.Tamir=Name Meaning=Date palm trader, owner of dates
17.Tabarak=Name Meaning=Blessed, exalted
18.Tabseer=Name Meaning=Enlightenment, education, insight
19.Tabassum=Name Meaning=Laughter, happiness
20.Tajammul=Name Meaning=beautify/beautify
21.Tafseer=Name Meaning=explain or describe
22.Tasneem=Name Meaning=The name of a fountain in Paradise
23.Tabarruk=Name Meaning=Holy things, blessed
24.Taqlid=Name Meaning=imitation
25.Tadbeer=Name Meaning=to arrange, to plan
26.Tadabbur=Name Meaning=Thought research
27.Tadbir=Name Meaning=to arrange, to plan
28.Tanim=Name Meaning=To bless, to bless
29.Tadvin=Name Meaning=Collect, compile
30.Tadreeb=Name Meaning=Training, practice
31.Taneem=Name Meaning=To bless, to bless
32.Turab=Name Meaning=Soil, dust
33.Turas=Name Meaning=legacy
34.Tasadduq=Name Meaning=to donate
35.Tasdiq=Name Meaning=Certification, approval
36.Tashfin=Name Meaning=Sympathetic, compassionate
37.Tasneef=Name Meaning=Composing, writing
38.Tasawwur=Name Meaning=Imagination, idea
39.Tasbir=Name Meaning=Pictures, art
40.Tabeer=Name Meaning=Work results
41.Taqib=Name Meaning=Meteor, shining
42.Tarif=Name Meaning=Rare, unique, strange
43.Taslim=Name Meaning=Salutation or submission
44.Tareef=Name Meaning=Rare, unique, strange
45.Tamiz=Name Meaning=He who judges subtly, the discriminator
46.Tasleem=Name Meaning=Salutation or submission
47.Tafheem=Name Meaning=Help someone understand something
48.Tahir=Name Meaning=Pure, free from dirt, free from sin
49.Tafazzul=Name Meaning=Courtesy, favor kindness, favor
50.Tafakkur=Name Meaning=To think deeply, to meditate
51.Tuqa=Name Meaning=Focus on Allah
52.Taqaddus=Name Meaning=sanctity
53.Tofazzal=Name Meaning=Courtesy, favor kindness, favor
54.Taqdees=Name Meaning=Purity, purity
55.Tanzil=Name Meaning=Revelation, revelation
56.Taqi=Name Meaning=God-fearing, restrained
57.Takasur=Name Meaning=abundance
58.Taksir=Name Meaning=Abundance, abundance, multitude
59.Tanzeel=Name Meaning=Revelation, sent down
60.Takmil=Name Meaning=to fulfill, to complete
61.Takwin=Name Meaning=to create
62.Talqeen=Name Meaning=Counseling/teaching
63.Tamjid=Name Meaning=To praise, to express dignity
64.Talmeez=Name Meaning=Students, devotees
65.Tamam=Name Meaning=Complete, mature, complete
66.Tawseef=Name Meaning=Appreciation, quality description
67.Tamim=Name Meaning=Strong, complete
68.Tamkin=Name Meaning=Empowerment, dignity
69.Tanzim=Name Meaning=Organization, system, method
70.Tamseel=Name Meaning=Metaphor, simile, parable
71.Tameem=Name Meaning=Perfect, complete
72.Tameez=Name Meaning=Discretion, distinction, manners
73.Tan’eem=Name Meaning=To bless, to bless
74.Tanzeem=Name Meaning=Organization, system, method
75.Tawassul=Name Meaning=Intimacy, proximity, mediumship
76.Tawsif=Name Meaning=Appreciation, description of qualities
77.Tawakkul=Name Meaning=trust, faith
78.Tahzeeb=Name Meaning=Culture, Education, Refinement
79.Talish=Name Meaning=Shiny, bright
80.Tulun=Name Meaning=truthful
81.Talal=Name Meaning=Excellent admirable
82.Talat=Name Meaning=appearance
83.Taifur=Name Meaning=Merciful means the sight of Allah
84.Tufail=Name Meaning=Mediation, the name of a companion
85.Tabeeb=Name Meaning=doctor
86.Taqdis=Name Meaning=Interested in holy work
87.Taqif=Name Meaning=intelligent
88.Taheri=Name Meaning=Pure, free from dirt, free from sin
89.Takreem=Name Meaning=to respect
90.Taleb=Name Meaning=Enquirer/seeker of knowledge
91.Tahmid=Name Meaning=Praise God
92.Tawhid=Name Meaning=Belief in the Oneness of God
93.Tawfeeq=Name Meaning=Success, prosperity, opportunity
94.Tanvir=Name Meaning=Rays of light, blooming
95.Tayeb=Name Meaning=good
96.Tayyab=Name Meaning=good, clean, pure
97.Tariq=Name Meaning=Night visitor or star
98.Taymur=Name Meaning=Iron, brave and strong
99.Taimur=Name Meaning=Brave strong, iron
100.Taymullah=Name Meaning=Servant of Allah
101.Tauqeer=Name Meaning=respect
102.Tahseen=Name Meaning=To improve, to do well
103.Tasnim=Name Meaning=The name of the fountain of Paradise
104.Tajdid=Name Meaning=Renewal/ Renewal
105.Tajbid=Name Meaning=nice, nice
106.Tasmir=Name Meaning=To invest, to profit
107.Tahzib=Name Meaning=Refinement, refinement, correction
108.Taskeen=Name Meaning=Tranquility, peace
109.Tanzid=Name Meaning=to arrange
110.Tanzif=Name Meaning=clean, clean
111.Tanfiz=Name Meaning=Empowerment
112.Tafsir=Name Meaning=Explanation-Analysis
113.Taysir=Name Meaning=Easy, convenient
114.Tarib=Name Meaning=Lively, joyful
115.Talif=Name Meaning=Literary work, author
116.Talim=Name Meaning=Education, knowledge
117.Taskin=Name Meaning=Tranquility, peace
118.Tasawar=Name Meaning=Concept, attention
119.Tahqiq=Name Meaning=Finding the truth, implementation
120.Tahlil=Name Meaning=Analyzing/appreciating
121.Taha=Name Meaning=A surah and the name of the Prophet
122.Tulaib=Name Meaning=Name of a companion
123.Tuhaf=Name Meaning=gift
124.Tawshiq=Name Meaning=Reinforcement
125.Taal=Name Meaning=come on
126.Taaliq=Name Meaning=Comment on something
127.Tazaaz=Name Meaning=Power, respect, power
128.Tabith=Name Meaning=gazelle; merciful
129.Tadris=Name Meaning=to research, to search
130.Tafaf=Name Meaning=Sunset, the time before sunset
131.Tafali=Name Meaning=sunset
132.Tafli=Name Meaning=Soft, delicate, tender
133.Tahani=Name Meaning=congratulations
134.Tahannud=Name Meaning=Gentleness, friendliness
135.Tahrir=Name Meaning=something free
136Taib=Name Meaning=Who always repents to Allah
137.Taif=Name Meaning=vision, ghost
138.Tawaf=Name Meaning=circumambulation around the Kaaba
139.Taihan=Name Meaning=vast
140.Taimaz=Name Meaning=firm, established (Turkish name)
141.Tajallah=Name Meaning=Allah’s Crown (Urdu Name)
142.Tajdar=Name Meaning=Crowned (Persian name)
143.Takleef=Name Meaning=Giving assignments/burdens/tasks/duties
144.Talab=Name Meaning=demand, desired
145.Talibullah=Name Meaning=A seeker of Allah
146.Tamheed=Name Meaning=Facilitate, facilitate
147.Tami=Name Meaning=High, high in status and rank
148.Tammam=Name Meaning=Complete, flawless
149.Tammar=Name Meaning=Date merchant
150.Tamur=Name Meaning=Lion’s den, heart
151.Tareem=Name Meaning=Humbly prays before Allah
152.Tarheeb=Name Meaning=Amplitude, vastness
153.Tarhib=Name Meaning=Amplitude, vastness
154.Tarkhim=Name Meaning=To soften, soften, sweeten
155.Tasahir=Name Meaning=awakening
156.Tarooq=Name Meaning=the star
157.Tasafi=Name Meaning=Sincerity, Loyalty, Loyalty
158.Tarkheem=Name Meaning=To soften, soften, sweeten
159.Tasin=Name Meaning=Quranic name
160.Taseen=Name Meaning=Quranic name
161.Tawab=Name Meaning=who repents
162.Tawadud=Name Meaning=love, affection
163.Tawaqur=Name Meaning=Calm, composure, seriousness
164.Tawazou=Name Meaning=Humility (Lack of Arrogance)
165.Tawkil=Name Meaning=Trust in Allah
166.Tawlan=Name Meaning=High status, rank, great, advanced
167.Tawqan=Name Meaning=Desires, one who wants/misses something
168.Tawus=Name Meaning=Beautiful / area with flowers / peacock
169.Tawad=Name Meaning=affection, love
170.Tayil=Name Meaning=Great, high rank, powerful
171.Tazayyun=Name Meaning=Beautification, decoration
172.Tibaq=Name Meaning=Equivalent, similar/status
173.Tilal=Name Meaning=Fine, rare, beautiful, amazing
174.Tilaluddin=Name Meaning=The best of faith
175.Tinjal=Name Meaning=Wideness and beauty of eyes
176.Tirhab=Name Meaning=Expansiveness, spaciousness
177.Tufan=Name Meaning=flood, deluge, inundation
178.Tullaab=Name Meaning=Student, researcher
179.Tumaim=Name Meaning=small sea
180.Turaj=Name Meaning=Brave (Persian name)
181.Tuwaij=Name Meaning=small crown
182.Tuwailib=Name Meaning=Knowledge seeker/student
arabic baby boy name with t

Muslim Boy Names with ‘t’ (in two words)

SerialName Name Meaning
1.Tawhidul Islam=Name Meaning=A firm believer in Islam
2.Tawhid Ahmad=Name Meaning=A firm believer
3.Tanveer Ahmad=Name Meaning=Admirable lighting
4.Tanverul Haq=Name Meaning=The light of truth
5.Tanber Siddiqi=Name Meaning=Honest truth
6.Tawfque Mahmud=Name Meaning=Appreciate the opportunity
7.Taher Wasit=Name Meaning=Holy noble person
8.Tareque Ahmmad=Name Meaning=Admired wayfarer
9.Tareq Munawar=Name Meaning=The comer of the path of light
10.Tawfiqur Rahman=Name Meaning=Gracious grace power
11.Tasnim Ferdous=Name Meaning=Firdaus is the fountain of paradise
12.Tasnimul Hasan=Name Meaning=The fountain of Paradise which is beautiful
13.Tasnimuddin=Name Meaning=Surrender to religion
14.Tanjeelul Haq=Name Meaning=convey the truth
15.Tawkir Ahmad=Name Meaning=highly praised honorable
16.Taimur Rahman=Name Meaning=Servant of God the Merciful
17.Touhidul Haque=Name Meaning=The great truth is the oneness of God
18.Toufiq Elahi=Name Meaning=Power given by the Lord
19.Tasnimul Hasan=Name Meaning=Respect for religion
20.Tahir Anjum=Name Meaning=bright stars
21.Tahir Mahtab=Name Meaning=bright moon
22.Abu Turab=Name Meaning=dusty
23.Tajammul Walee=Name Meaning=beautiful friend
24.Tajbid Wakkas=Name Meaning=Beautiful separator
25.Tahsin Wakkad=Name Meaning=beautiful lively
Muslim boy baby names with T

Last talk: Islamic names for boys with T

The previous discussion focused on Islamic names for boys starting with the letter T. The intention was to provide a comprehensive list of Muslim names for those seeking to give their sons Islamic names.

It is important to note that the information provided on this site is diligently collected from various sources, including books and online platforms, to ensure accuracy. However, it is crucial to understand that names can have different meanings in different contexts, as words often have multiple interpretations.

Therefore, it is advisable to explore the meaning of a chosen name through various means. Additionally, it is recommended to consult with scholars or religious experts before finalizing a name for a Muslim newborn, ensuring that it is appropriate. Naming a child with a name that holds a positive meaning is a right of the child, and it is essential to consider this aspect while making a decision.

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To know the meaning of the name in Bengali, visit- Namer Diary website

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