145+ Muslim Boy Names Starting With Z, Islamic Boys Name

Through this post, know the correct meaning of Islamic boys names (145+ All Muslim Boy Names Starting With Z, islamic names for boys).

If you’re searching for meaningful Islamic boy names starting with the letter Z, this post is for you. It’s important for parents to choose a name that will give their child a positive identity. Muslims often look for names with beautiful meanings when naming their babies. Today, I’ve compiled a list of over 145 Muslim boy names that start with Z.

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All Muslim Boy Names Starting With Z

SerialName=Name Meaning
1.Zaid=Name Meaning=growth, abundance, one who makes progress
2.Zaboor=Name Meaning=lion, like a lion
3.Zubab=Name Meaning=bee, fly
4.Zabar=Name Meaning=firm, strong
5.Zabih=Name Meaning=Dedicated to, the title of Hazrat Ismail (as).
6.Zakkhar=Name Meaning=More savings
7.Zari=Name Meaning=Sower, farmer
8.Zarraf=Name Meaning=intelligent
9.Zaka=Name Meaning=intelligence, talent, sharp wit
10.Zuljanah=Name Meaning=The name of the horse of Hussain (RA).
11.Zauk=Name Meaning=Taste, enthusiasm, Pleasure, Perceptivity
12.Zulfiqar=Name Meaning=Sword name of Hazart Ali (RA).
13.Zulkarnain=Name Meaning=possessor of two horns
14.Zulkifal=Name Meaning=Name of a prophet of Allah
15.Zunnun=Name Meaning=Name of Yunus (AS).
16.Zuhaer=Name Meaning=little flower, blossom, Bright
17.Zuhair=Name Meaning=little flower, blossom, Bright
18.Zair=Name Meaning=Visitor, guest, Pilgrim
19.Zahar=Name Meaning=Bright, light, adornment, flower
20.Zahaar=Name Meaning=seller of flowers
21.Zahoor=Name Meaning=Expression, Appearance, Ostentation
22.Zabarjad=Name Meaning=A kind of precious stone/emerald
23.Zayd=Name Meaning=growth, abundance, one who makes progress
24.Zubair=Name Meaning= 
25.Zubayr=Name Meaning=A piece of iron, brave, wise, strong
26.Zaeem=Name Meaning=leader, chief, responsible
27.Zayem=Name Meaning=leader, chief, responsible
28.Zaim=Name Meaning=leader, chief, responsible
29.Zameel=Name Meaning=friend, colleague, companion
30.Zaman=Name Meaning=Time, age, era
31.Zujaj=Name Meaning=Glass, Glass Flask, Glassware
32.Zahl=Name Meaning=sureness of the heart, confidence
33.Zafar=Name Meaning=victory, triumph, to win
34.Zayed=Name Meaning=prospering, in abundance, progressing
35.Zain=Name Meaning=Beautiful, beauty, grace, honour
36.Zayn=Name Meaning=beauty, adornment, grace, excellence
37.Zulal=Name Meaning=Pure, clean, sweet water
38.Zaglul=Name Meaning=fast man, Baby, Young dove/ pigeon
39.Zakaria=Name Meaning=Name of a Prophet (AS)
40.Zahir=Name Meaning=helpful, supporters, bright
41.Ziyad/ Ziad=Name Meaning=Abundance, Growth, Generous
42.Zareer=Name Meaning=intelligent
43.Zabib=Name Meaning=Dry grapes, raisins
44.Zaheer=Name Meaning=Bright , Blooming, luminous
45.Zamil=Name Meaning=follower, friend, colleague, companion
46.Zakirullah=Name Meaning=One who praises Allah
47.Zayenuddin=Name Meaning=The Grace Of The Religion (Islam)
48.Zaaki=Name Meaning=virtuous, blessed
49.Zabi=Name Meaning=gazelle, antelope
50.Zabreen=Name Meaning=highest, most sublime
51.Zafaruddin=Name Meaning=triumph of the faith
52.Zafeer=Name Meaning=always victorious
53.Zaghlul=Name Meaning=baby pigeon
54.Zahanat=Name Meaning=intelligence, sharpness of mind
55.Zahauddin=Name Meaning=brilliance of the faith
56.Zaheen=Name Meaning=intelligent, intellectual, deep-thinking
57.Zahi=Name Meaning=brilliant, glowing
58.Zahran=Name Meaning=radiant, glowing, and blossoming
59.Zahri=Name Meaning=fresh and good looking like a flower
60.Zahrun=Name Meaning=blossom, flower
61.Zahuk=Name Meaning=happy, joyous,  one who laughs often
62.Zahun=Name Meaning=intelligent, keen, bright
63.Zahyan=Name Meaning=intelligent, keen, bright
64.Zaifullah=Name Meaning=Guest of Allah
65.Zakaa=Name Meaning=intelligence, cleverness
66.Zakat=Name Meaning=purification
67.Zakawat=Name Meaning=intelligence, sharp-mindedness
68.Zaleeq=Name Meaning=eloquent
69.Zaluj=Name Meaning=nimble, swift-footed, sprightly
70.Zamaair=Name Meaning=hearts, minds, consciences
71.Zaraafat=Name Meaning=intelligence, cleverness, talent
72.Zarab=Name Meaning=gold water
73.Zarar=Name Meaning=clever, subtle
74.Zareeb=Name Meaning=likeness, type
75.Zargoon=Name Meaning=gold-colored, like gold
76.Zarib=Name Meaning=striker, fierce attacker
77.Zarin=Name Meaning=golden, made of gold
78.Zariyan=Name Meaning=dispersed in the air
79.Zarnab=Name Meaning=A kind of aromatic plant
80.Zartash=Name Meaning=gold-carver
81.Zaryab=Name Meaning=liquid gold
82.Zaryan=Name Meaning=one who finds gold
83.Zauq=Name Meaning=enthusiasm, enjoyment of life
84.Zawal=Name Meaning=sundown, the time close to sunset
85.Zaweel=Name Meaning=motion, movement, side
86.Zawqi=Name Meaning=enthusiastic, full of life
87.Zawri=Name Meaning=intelligent, firm of will
88.Zayef=Name Meaning=Friendly and Hospitable
89.Zayir=Name Meaning=roaring lion
90.Zayyan=Name Meaning=beautifier
91.Zeeshan=Name Meaning=dignified, respected
92.Zehn=Name Meaning=intellect, reason, psyche
93.Zewar=Name Meaning=adornment, beautification
94.Zaydan=Name Meaning=growth and progress
95.Zihni=Name Meaning=intellectual, reasonable, deep thinker
96.Zikr=Name Meaning=remembrance, mention
97.Zill=Name Meaning=shade, shadow
98.Zimr=Name Meaning=brave, intelligent
99.Zirar=Name Meaning=fierce warrior
100.Zoomeer=Name Meaning=leader of light
101.Zoraiz=Name Meaning=spreader of light
102.Zufar=Name Meaning=like a lion, brave
103.Zufunoon=Name Meaning=one who is skilled and knowledgeable
104.Zuhain=Name Meaning=intelligent, keen, sharp-minded
105.Zuhdi=Name Meaning=ascetic, devoted to Allah
106.Zuhni=Name Meaning=intelligent, wise, keen, bright, astute
107.Zulfaqar=Name Meaning=name of the sword of Ali (RA).
108.Zulfateh=Name Meaning=one who gives guidance, guided
109.Zulghaffar=Name Meaning=forgiving
110.Zulghina=Name Meaning=wealthy, possessor of fortune
111.Zulhijjah=Name Meaning=Means the 12th name of the Arabic month
112.Zulhimmah=Name Meaning=resolved, resolute, firm of will
113.Zuljalal=Name Meaning=one who is blessed with might and glory
114.Zulikram=Name Meaning=one who is blessed with graciousness
115.Zulkifl=Name Meaning=Name of a prophet
116.Zulnoon=Name Meaning=Name of Hazrat Yunus (AS).
117.Zulnoorain=Name Meaning=Light and Radiance
118.Zulqadr=Name Meaning=composed, dignified, high
119.Zulqarnain=Name Meaning=possessor of two horns
120.Zultan=Name Meaning=ruler, king
121.Zumar=Name Meaning=groups, throngs of people
122.Zuraib=Name Meaning=fierce attacker/eloquent
123.Zuwail=Name Meaning=motion, movement, side
124.Zuwayhir=Name Meaning=radiant, luminous
125.Zyan=Name Meaning=adornment, decoration
126.Ziauddin=Name Meaning=The light of faith
arabic names for boys with Z

Islamic names for boys with Z (in two words)

SerialName=Name Meaning
1.Zakir Hossain=Name Meaning=Remembering is beautiful
2.Zamir Wasit=Name Meaning=Intimidating nobleman
3.Zahid Hasan=Name Meaning=beautiful monk
4.Zaki Habib=Name Meaning=A smart friend
5.Zakirul Islam=Name Meaning=Reminder of Islam
6.Zaki Mujahid=Name Meaning=Talented warrior
7.Zakoan Masud=Name Meaning=Wise is lucky
8.Zayed Hasan=Name Meaning=more beautiful
9.Zubayer Wasit=Name Meaning=wise noble
10.Zayed Hossain=Name Meaning=extra cute
11.Zainul Abedin=Name Meaning=Beautiful worshiper
12.Zakee Uddin=Name Meaning=Holy religion
13.Zaeemul Hasan=Name Meaning=beautiful guardian
14.Zakirul Haque=Name Meaning=The dhikr of Allah
15.Zaki Uddin=Name Meaning=Knowledge of religion
16.Zubayer Ahmed=Name Meaning=Highly praised Lau Khand
17.Zaynul Abidin=Name Meaning=Adornment of worshippers
18.Ziauddin=Name Meaning=The light of faith
19.Zyaud Deen=Name Meaning=The brightness of faith
Muslim boy name with Z

Islamic boy names list (Z)

  • Zaid =Name Meaning= growth, abundance, one who makes progress
  • Zaboor =Name Meaning= lion, like a lion
  • Zubab =Name Meaning= bee, fly
  • Zabar =Name Meaning= firm, strong
  • Zabih =Name Meaning= Dedicated to, the title of Hazrat Ismail (as).
  • Zakkhar =Name Meaning= More savings
  • Zari =Name Meaning= Sower, farmer
  • Zarraf =Name Meaning= intelligent
  • Zaka =Name Meaning= intelligence, talent, sharp wit
  • Zuljanah =Name Meaning= The name of the horse of Hussain (RA).
  • Zauk =Name Meaning= Taste, enthusiasm, Pleasure, Perceptivity
  • Zulfiqar =Name Meaning= Sword name of Hazart Ali (RA).
  • Zulkarnain =Name Meaning= possessor of two horns
  • Zulkifal =Name Meaning= Name of a prophet of Allah
  • Zunnun =Name Meaning= Name of Yunus (AS).
  • Zuhaer =Name Meaning= little flower, blossom, Bright
  • Zuhair =Name Meaning= little flower, blossom, Bright
  • Zair =Name Meaning= Visitor, guest, Pilgrim
  • Zahar =Name Meaning= Bright, light, adornment, flower
  • Zahaar =Name Meaning= seller of flowers
  • Zahoor =Name Meaning= Expression, Appearance, Ostentation
  • Zabarjad =Name Meaning= A kind of precious stone/emerald
  • Zayd =Name Meaning= growth, abundance, one who makes progress
  • Zubair =Name Meaning=
  • Zubayr =Name Meaning= A piece of iron, brave, wise, strong
  • Zaeem =Name Meaning= leader, chief, responsible
  • Zayem =Name Meaning= leader, chief, responsible
  • Zaim =Name Meaning= leader, chief, responsible
  • Zameel =Name Meaning= friend, colleague, companion
  • Zaman =Name Meaning= Time, age, era
  • Zujaj =Name Meaning= Glass, Glass Flask, Glassware
  • Zahl =Name Meaning= sureness of the heart, confidence
  • Zafar =Name Meaning= victory, triumph, to win
  • Zayed =Name Meaning= prospering, in abundance, progressing
  • Zain =Name Meaning= Beautiful, beauty, grace, honour
  • Zayn =Name Meaning= beauty, adornment, grace, excellence
  • Zulal =Name Meaning= Pure, clean, sweet water
  • Zaglul =Name Meaning= fast man, Baby, Young dove/ pigeon
  • Zakaria =Name Meaning= Name of a Prophet (AS)
  • Zahir =Name Meaning= helpful, supporters, bright
  • Ziyad/ Ziad =Name Meaning= Abundance, Growth, Generous
  • Zareer =Name Meaning= intelligent
  • Zabib =Name Meaning= Dry grapes, raisins
  • Zaheer =Name Meaning= Bright , Blooming, luminous

Muslim boy names list (Z)

  • Zamil =Name Meaning= follower, friend, colleague, companion
  • Zakirullah =Name Meaning= One who praises Allah
  • Zayenuddin =Name Meaning= The Grace Of The Religion (Islam)
  • Zaaki =Name Meaning= virtuous, blessed
  • Zabi =Name Meaning= gazelle, antelope
  • Zabreen =Name Meaning= highest, most sublime
  • Zafaruddin =Name Meaning= triumph of the faith
  • Zafeer =Name Meaning= always victorious
  • Zaghlul =Name Meaning= baby pigeon
  • Zahanat =Name Meaning= intelligence, sharpness of mind
  • Zahauddin =Name Meaning= brilliance of the faith
  • Zaheen =Name Meaning= intelligent, intellectual, deep-thinking
  • Zahi =Name Meaning= brilliant, glowing
  • Zahran =Name Meaning= radiant, glowing, and blossoming
  • Zahri =Name Meaning= fresh and good looking like a flower
  • Zahrun =Name Meaning= blossom, flower
  • Zahuk =Name Meaning= happy, joyous, one who laughs often
  • Zahun =Name Meaning= intelligent, keen, bright
  • Zahyan =Name Meaning= intelligent, keen, bright
  • Zaifullah =Name Meaning= Guest of Allah
  • Zakaa =Name Meaning= intelligence, cleverness
  • Zakat =Name Meaning= purification
  • Zakawat =Name Meaning= intelligence, sharp-mindedness
  • Zaleeq =Name Meaning= eloquent
  • Zaluj =Name Meaning= nimble, swift-footed, sprightly
  • Zamaair =Name Meaning= hearts, minds, consciences
  • Zaraafat =Name Meaning= intelligence, cleverness, talent
  • Zarab =Name Meaning= gold water
  • Zarar =Name Meaning= clever, subtle
  • Zareeb =Name Meaning= likeness, type
  • Zargoon =Name Meaning= gold-colored, like gold
  • Zarib =Name Meaning= striker, fierce attacker
  • Zarin =Name Meaning= golden, made of gold
  • Zariyan =Name Meaning= dispersed in the air
  • Zarnab =Name Meaning= A kind of aromatic plant
  • Zartash =Name Meaning= gold-carver
  • Zaryab =Name Meaning= liquid gold
  • Zaryan =Name Meaning= one who finds gold
  • Zauq =Name Meaning= enthusiasm, enjoyment of life
  • Zawal =Name Meaning= sundown, the time close to sunset
  • Zaweel =Name Meaning= motion, movement, side
  • Zawqi =Name Meaning= enthusiastic, full of life
  • Zawri =Name Meaning= intelligent, firm of will
  • Zayef =Name Meaning= Friendly and Hospitable
  • Zayir =Name Meaning= roaring lion
  • Zayyan =Name Meaning= beautifier
  • Zeeshan =Name Meaning= dignified, respected
  • Zehn =Name Meaning= intellect, reason, psyche
  • Zewar =Name Meaning= adornment, beautification
  • Zaydan =Name Meaning= growth and progress
  • Zihni =Name Meaning= intellectual, reasonable, deep thinker
  • Zikr =Name Meaning= remembrance, mention
  • Zill =Name Meaning= shade, shadow
  • Zimr =Name Meaning= brave, intelligent
  • Zirar =Name Meaning= fierce warrior
  • Zoomeer =Name Meaning= leader of light
  • Zoraiz =Name Meaning= spreader of light
  • Zufar =Name Meaning= like a lion, brave
  • Zufunoon =Name Meaning= one who is skilled and knowledgeable
  • Zuhain =Name Meaning= intelligent, keen, sharp-minded
  • Zuhdi =Name Meaning= ascetic, devoted to Allah
  • Zuhni =Name Meaning= intelligent, wise, keen, bright, astute
  • Zulfaqar =Name Meaning= name of the sword of Ali (RA).
  • Zulfateh =Name Meaning= one who gives guidance, guided
  • Zulghaffar =Name Meaning= forgiving
  • Zulghina =Name Meaning= wealthy, possessor of fortune
  • Zulhijjah =Name Meaning= Means the 12th name of the Arabic month
  • Zulhimmah =Name Meaning= resolved, resolute, firm of will
  • Zuljalal =Name Meaning= one who is blessed with might and glory
  • Zulikram =Name Meaning= one who is blessed with graciousness
  • Zulkifl =Name Meaning= Name of a prophet
  • Zulnoon =Name Meaning= Name of Hazrat Yunus (AS).
  • Zulnoorain =Name Meaning= Light and Radiance
  • Zulqadr =Name Meaning= composed, dignified, high
  • Zulqarnain =Name Meaning= possessor of two horns
  • Zultan =Name Meaning= ruler, king
  • Zumar =Name Meaning= groups, throngs of people
  • Zuraib =Name Meaning= fierce attacker/eloquent
  • Zuwail =Name Meaning= motion, movement, side
  • Zuwayhir =Name Meaning= radiant, luminous
  • Zyan =Name Meaning= adornment, decoration
  • Ziauddin =Name Meaning= The light of faith

Islamic Boys Name

  • Zakir Hossain =Name Meaning= Remembering is beautiful
  • Zamir Wasit =Name Meaning= Intimidating nobleman
  • Zahid Hasan =Name Meaning= beautiful monk
  • Zaki Habib =Name Meaning= A smart friend
  • Zakirul Islam =Name Meaning= Reminder of Islam
  • Zaki Mujahid =Name Meaning= Talented warrior
  • Zakoan Masud =Name Meaning= Wise is lucky
  • Zayed Hasan =Name Meaning= more beautiful
  • Zubayer Wasit =Name Meaning= wise noble
  • Zayed Hossain =Name Meaning= extra cute
  • Zainul Abedin =Name Meaning= Beautiful worshiper
  • Zakee Uddin =Name Meaning= Holy religion
  • Zaeemul Hasan =Name Meaning= beautiful guardian
  • Zakirul Haque =Name Meaning= The dhikr of Allah
  • Zaki Uddin =Name Meaning= Knowledge of religion
  • Zubayer Ahmed =Name Meaning= Highly praised Lau Khand
  • Zaynul Abidin =Name Meaning= Adornment of worshippers
  • Ziauddin =Name Meaning= The light of faith
  • Zyaud Deen =Name Meaning= The brightness of faith

Previous Discussion: Islamic names for boys with Z

I hope that by looking at the list of Muslim names, parents who want to give their boys Islamic names can find some inspiration from the post above. It’s important to note that the information provided on this site is gathered from various sources, such as books and online research, in order to be as accurate as possible. However, it’s crucial to understand that the contents of this site should not be considered legal or specifically religious advice.

It’s worth mentioning that the meaning of a name can vary in different contexts, as words often have multiple meanings. While this site primarily provides one meaning for each name, it’s possible for the same name to have different meanings in various places. If you find a name you like, I encourage you to explore its meaning through different sources.

Additionally, it’s advisable to consult with a scholar or religious expert before finalizing the name for your Muslim newborn baby or when naming your child. You can seek guidance from the imam of your local mosque or other knowledgeable individuals.

Remember, it’s important to choose a name with a good meaning for your child, as it is their right. So, always consider naming your child with a name that holds a positive significance.

If you’re interested in further exploring Muslim boy baby names with the letter Z, names of boys from the Qur’an with Z, or Islamic names for boys in general, you can conduct related searches. These searches can help you discover a wide range of options, including Saudi Muslim boys’ names, Pakistani Muslim boys’ names, names of God’s favorite boys, Iranian boys’ names, names of boys according to hadith, and names of boys from the Qur’an. You can also find lists of uncommon boys’ names and Islamic baby names with meanings, which can provide you with a variety of beautiful options for your son.

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To know the meaning of the name in Bengali, visit- Namer Diary website

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