254+ Muslim Boy Names Starting With N, Islamic Boys Name

Through this post, know the correct meaning of Islamic boys names (254+ All Muslim Boy Names Starting With N, Islamic Boys Name).

In this article, discover the accurate definitions of Islamic names for boys starting with the letter ‘N’. It is important for parents to choose a name that will reflect positively on their child’s personality. Selecting a name for a baby involves careful consideration, and Muslims often opt for names with meaningful significance. Explore over 254 Muslim boy names beginning with ‘N’ in this post.

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All Muslim Boy Names Starting With N

SerialName=Name Meaning
1.Nabil=Name Meaning=Noble, Highborn, Distinguished
2.Nizam=Name Meaning=rule, arrangement, organization
3.Naser=Name Meaning=Assistant, friend, helper
4.Nakib=Name Meaning=representative, leader
5.Naif=Name Meaning=Noble, great, elevated, high, towering
6.Naim=Name Meaning=Calm, tranquil, reassured, happiness
7.Nahin=Name Meaning=Greatest; Successful
8.Noman=Name Meaning=blood or red
9.Nadir=Name Meaning=Extraordinary, rare, dear, exceptional
10.Nadim=Name Meaning=companion, confidant, friend
11.Najm=Name Meaning=star, luminary, source of inspiration
12.Najar=Name Meaning=sight, view, attention
13.Nazar=Name Meaning=vow, promise made to God
14.Najem=Name Meaning=luminary, source of inspiration
15.Nahif=Name Meaning=lean, thin, meagre, weak
16.Naseem=Name Meaning=gentle breeze, fresh air
17.Nazeer=Name Meaning=Warner, bringer of good news, portent
18.Nuwaisir=Name Meaning=supporter, helper
19.Nabeel=Name Meaning=Noble, Highborn, Distinguished
20.Nayef=Name Meaning=Noble, great, elevated, high, towering
21.Nazmun=Name Meaning=Star Light
22.Nasir=Name Meaning=Helper and Supporter
23.Naseef=Name Meaning=just or fair-minded, equitable
24.Nader=Name Meaning=rare, dear, exceptional
25.Nafis=Name Meaning=precious, extremely desired
26.Nazir=Name Meaning=Observer, supervisor
27.Nehar=Name Meaning=daytime, day
28.Naib=Name Meaning=Substituted, Vice, Deputy
29.Nayeb=Name Meaning=Substituted, Vice, Deputy
30.Nateq=Name Meaning=Endowed with speech, eloquent, rational, pokesperson
31.Najib=Name Meaning=highborn, excellent, outstanding, superior
32.Najeeb=Name Meaning=Excellent, Noble
33.Natiq=Name Meaning=able to speak, spokesman
34.Nafiz=Name Meaning=influential, powerful
35.Nisar=Name Meaning=Sacrifice
36.Niyamat=Name Meaning=Blessings, Please, gift from Allah
37.Nazil=Name Meaning=Landed/Merciful
38.Nazel=Name Meaning=Landed/Merciful
39.Naam=Name Meaning=Yes indicator
40.Najih=Name Meaning=successful, prosperous, fortunate
41.Numan=Name Meaning=blood or red
42.Nahid=Name Meaning=Elevated, Venus, the planet
43.Naheed=Name Meaning=Elevated, Venus, the planet
44.Najee=Name Meaning=Safe, friendly, affectionate
45.Nayem=Name Meaning=Calm, tranquil, reassured, happiness
46.Nabe=Name Meaning=announcement, news, tidings
47.Naji=Name Meaning=survivor, rescued person
48.Nadeem=Name Meaning=companion, confidant, friend
49.Nasikh=Name Meaning=changer, editor
50.Nasekh=Name Meaning=changer, editor
51.Nasek=Name Meaning=Pious, worshiper, Devotee
52.Naseh=Name Meaning=giver of advice, giver of good guidance
53.Nazer=Name Meaning=Bright, radiant, blooming
54.Nafe=Name Meaning=Beneficial/Name of Allah
55.Nibras=Name Meaning=Lamp, light
56.Nayel=Name Meaning=brave, winner
57.Nabi=Name Meaning= 
58.Nesar=Name Meaning=Sacrifice
59.Najat=Name Meaning=Liberation, protection, Salvation
60.Nihal=Name Meaning=Happy, Prosperous, Exalted
61.Nazim=Name Meaning=arranger, organizer
62.Najabat=Name Meaning=Honor, nobility
63.Nazeem=Name Meaning=organized, orderly
64.Nafees=Name Meaning=precious, extremely desired
65.Nadi=Name Meaning=tender, delicate
66.Naseeb=Name Meaning=appropriate, proper, noble, gentlemanly
67.Najeeh=Name Meaning=Sound, good (opinion)
68.Nashit=Name Meaning=Energetic, dynamic, lively
69.Nasik=Name Meaning=Pious, worshiper, Devotee
70.Nasih=Name Meaning=giver of advice, giver of good guidance
71.Nasim=Name Meaning=gentle breeze, fresh air
72.Nutq=Name Meaning=Sentence, talk
73.Najjar=Name Meaning=Carpenter
74.Naqeeb=Name Meaning=representative, leader
75.Naqi=Name Meaning=Pure
76.Nawab=Name Meaning=Barron, ruler
77.Nuh=Name Meaning=Name of a prophet
78.Nur/Noor=Name Meaning=light, Divine Light
79.Nasif=Name Meaning=just or fair-minded, equitable
80.Nawfal=Name Meaning=extremely generous
81.Nawas=Name Meaning=Beauty Of Life, Blessings
82.Nasib=Name Meaning=appropriate, proper, noble, gentlemanly
83.Nasr=Name Meaning=Help (divine), support
84.Nasher=Name Meaning=One Who Publishes
85.Niaz=Name Meaning=Dependence, Offering
86.Nawar=Name Meaning=Bright, dazzling, flowery
87.Nawal=Name Meaning=gift, blessing, bestowal
88.Navid=Name Meaning=good news, good tidings
89.Naveen=Name Meaning=New, Excellent
90.Namir=Name Meaning=Leopard, tiger, panther
91.Nayar=Name Meaning=Bright star, sun
92.Nashah=Name Meaning=Growing up, youth
93.Nabid=Name Meaning=good news
94.Nahir=Name Meaning=Bright Man
95.Nizami=Name Meaning=discipline, ruler, system, Administration
96.Nihan=Name Meaning=Latent, hidden
97.Neem=Name Meaning=luxury, ease
98.Naveed=Name Meaning=Happy tidings, good news
99.Nazimuddin=Name Meaning=Organizer of the religion (Islam)
100.Nizamuddin=Name Meaning=system of the faith, organization of the faith
101.Nasiruddin=Name Meaning=supporter of the faith
102.Niyamatullah=Name Meaning=welfare of Allah
103.Nasrullah=Name Meaning=Help of Allah
104.Nihaluddin=Name Meaning=Satisfied with religion
105.Nuruddin=Name Meaning=The light of religion
106.Nurullah=Name Meaning=light of Allah
107.Najibullah=Name Meaning=Gentleness given by Allah, Prominent of Allah
108.Nasratullah=Name Meaning=Help of Allah
109.Nuruzzaman=Name Meaning=light of the age
110.Nabayil=Name Meaning=noble, aristocratic, highborn
111.Nabhan=Name Meaning=vigilant, wakeful, aware
112.Nabigh=Name Meaning=brilliant, outstanding, talented
113.Nabih=Name Meaning=vigilant, aware, honored
114.Nabihi=Name Meaning=vigilant, aware, honored
115.Nabili=Name Meaning=noble, high-born, gallant, brave
116.Nabit=Name Meaning=sprout, small new plant
117.Nadeer=Name Meaning=fluent, eloquent
118.Naeem=Name Meaning=bliss, ease, luxury
119.Nafal=Name Meaning=gift, present, voluntary good deed
120.Nafih=Name Meaning=Protector, charitable
121.Nafil=Name Meaning=generous
122.Nahad=Name Meaning=honorable, strong
123.Nahiz=Name Meaning=elevated, high
124.Nahran=Name Meaning=rivers
125.Nahshal=Name Meaning=Falcon/wolf
126.Nahwan=Name Meaning=Wise, intelligent
127.Nahyan=Name Meaning=one who has reached the height of wisdom
128.Nahzan=Name Meaning=advanced, growing, rising, awakening
129.Nahzat=Name Meaning=advancement, rise, progress
130.Naizak=Name Meaning=meteor, star
131.Najah=Name Meaning=success
132.Najat=Name Meaning=salvation, success, to be saved
133.Najdat=Name Meaning=bravery in battle, rescue
134.Najeemuddin=Name Meaning=brilliance of the faith
135.Najid=Name Meaning=supporter, rescuer, brave
136Najjad=Name Meaning=rescuer, savior
137.Najlan=Name Meaning=one who has wide beautiful eyes
138.Najmuddin=Name Meaning=star of the faith
139.Najud=Name Meaning=one who rescues others often
140.Nakheel=Name Meaning=date palm trees
141.Nakhlan=Name Meaning=a cloud that brings torrential rain
142.Namdar=Name Meaning=famous, well-known, great, hero
143.Nameer=Name Meaning=good fresh water
144.Nami=Name Meaning=developing, increasing
145.Namiq=Name Meaning=adorner, decorator, embellisher, beautifier
146.Namjur=Name Meaning=famous, well-known
147.Namran=Name Meaning=like a leopard/strong, brave
148.Naoum=Name Meaning=blessed
149.Naqeel=Name Meaning=Stranger/ flood caused by rain
150.Naqil=Name Meaning=Transporter/narrator
151.Naqqad=Name Meaning=literary critic, reviewer
152.Nasayir=Name Meaning=supporter, helper of the oppressed
153.Naseel=Name Meaning=pure
154.Naseer=Name Meaning=helper
155.Nashid=Name Meaning=One who admires another person
156.Nashwan=Name Meaning=delirious, drunk, ecstatic
157.Nasooh=Name Meaning=faithful, loyal, sincere
158.Nasrat=Name Meaning=help, support
159.Nasruddin=Name Meaning=supporter of the faith
160.Nassar=Name Meaning=supporter, helper
161.Nattaj=Name Meaning=productive, fruitful
162.Nawafil=Name Meaning=extra good deeds
163.Nawf=Name Meaning=greatness, highness
164.Nawfan=Name Meaning=great, high
165.Nawhan=Name Meaning=great, exalted
166.Nawl=Name Meaning=generosity, nobleness
167.Nawras=Name Meaning=young, budding, blossoming
168.Nawroz=Name Meaning=Persian New Year’s Day
169.Nawwab=Name Meaning=representative, deputy
170.Nawwaf=Name Meaning=elevated, high
171.Nawwar=Name Meaning=radiant, glowing, brilliant
172.Nawyan=Name Meaning=intending, aiming for, determined
173.Nayir=Name Meaning=radiant, brilliant
174.Nazeef=Name Meaning=clean, virtuous
175.Nazhan=Name Meaning=virtuous, chaste
176.Nazih=Name Meaning=rain
177.Nazmi=Name Meaning=orderly, systematic, organized
178.Nazzar=Name Meaning=observer, spectator, thinker
179.Neekan=Name Meaning=good ones, virtuous ones
180.Niamullah=Name Meaning=God’s blessings
181.Nihad=Name Meaning=essence, nature, method
182.Nijat=Name Meaning=salvation, success, to be saved
183.Niknam=Name Meaning=one who has a good name/ respected
184.Nikrouz=Name Meaning=one whose day is blessed, fortunate
185.Nikzad=Name Meaning=well-born, virtuous-born
186.Nisbat=Name Meaning=relationship, connection
187.Nismat=Name Meaning=soft breeze
188.Nitaj=Name Meaning=fruit, product, profit, the result of something
189.Niyazi=Name Meaning=beloved, desired
190.Nizar=Name Meaning=unique, rare
191.Nudair=Name Meaning=unique, rare
192.Nuhuz=Name Meaning=rising, advancement
193.Nujaid=Name Meaning=highland, plateau
194.Nujaim=Name Meaning=little star
195.Nukhail=Name Meaning=little palm tree
196.Numair=Name Meaning=little leopard
197.Nuraddeen=Name Meaning=light of the deen
198.Nurahan=Name Meaning=radiant leader
199.Nuri=Name Meaning=Radiant, light
200.Nuril=Name Meaning=light of Allah
201.Nurshah=Name Meaning=king of light
202.Nuruddin=Name Meaning=appropriate, fitting, proper
203.Nusaim=Name Meaning=breath (of life), soft breeze
204.Nusair=Name Meaning=victory
205.Nushad=Name Meaning=happy youth, joyous young person
206.Nuwaib=Name Meaning=chief, leader
207.Nuwaidir=Name Meaning=rare, unique
208.Nuwair=Name Meaning=little flower, little fire, light
209.Nuwairan=Name Meaning=light, radiance
210.Nuzair=Name Meaning=warner, cautioner
211.Nuzhan=Name Meaning=pine tree
212.Nuzhi=Name Meaning=virtuous, chaste, distant from sin
213.Nuzhat=Name Meaning=virtue, chastity, distance
Muslim boy baby names with n

Islamic Names for Boys with No (Two Words)

SerialName=Name Meaning
1.Nadimul Hasan=Name Meaning=beautiful companion
2.Najmul Hoq=Name Meaning=Poetry of truth
3.Nazarul Islam=Name Meaning=Pledge of Islam
4.Nazrul Islam=Name Meaning=The power of vision of Islam
5.Nahin Munkar=Name Meaning=Prohibition of wrongdoing
6.Nazmul Islam=Name Meaning=Star of Islam
7.Nayeef Wasit=Name Meaning=Elevated great noble person
8.Nayemur Rahman=Name Meaning=A gracious gift
9.Nafeez Hassain=Name Meaning=A handsome stranger
10.Nazeeb Hossain =Name Meaning=Sachtritra is a handsome person
11.Nakib Monsif=Name Meaning=Prayer of the Guide
12.Nasirul Islam=Name Meaning=Helper of Islam
13.Nasir Wasit=Name Meaning=Helping nobleman
14.Nazir Ahmad=Name Meaning=Intimidators are more appreciative
15.Nazrul Islam=Name Meaning=Happiness is the instrument of comfort in Islam
16.Nisarul Hoq=Name Meaning=Sacrifice for Deen
17.Nasimul Hoq=Name Meaning=True temperate
18.Nasarullah=Name Meaning=God’s help
19.Noorul Hoq=Name Meaning=light of truth
20.Nizamul Hoq=Name Meaning=The discipline of truth
21.Nihal Uddin=Name Meaning=Satisfied with religion
22.Nuruzzaman=Name Meaning=The light of the age
23.Nur Mohammad=Name Meaning=Light of Muhammad
24.Naeb Ali=Name Meaning=Advanced, excellent representative
25.Naved Latif=Name Meaning=A message of subtle joy
26.Norul Huda=Name Meaning=The light of the right path
27.Nafis Iqbal=Name Meaning=Precious fortune
28.Nur Ali=Name Meaning=Excellent light
29.Naser Hossain=Name Meaning=nice helper
30.Noman Seddik=Name Meaning=Very trustworthy and honest
31.Nurul Islam=Name Meaning=The light of Islam
32.Nakib Mufleh=Name Meaning=A successful leader
33.Nabil Modir=Name Meaning=Elite administrator
34.Nadim Mustafa=Name Meaning=chosen partner
35.Nasif Yaqin=Name Meaning=faithful servant
36.Nahid Hasan=Name Meaning=The wild bushes are beautiful
37.Nasir Wasit=Name Meaning=Helping nobleman
38.Niyaz Murshed=Name Meaning=Prayer of the Guide
39.Noorul Hoq=Name Meaning=light of truth
40.Nazir Hossain=Name Meaning=beautiful simile
41.Nadimul Hasan=Name Meaning=beautiful companion
Islamic names for boys with n

Last talk: Muslim boy names with N

The provided list of Muslim names aims to assist those looking to give Islamic names to their sons. Feel free to select a name that resonates with you. The information on this site has been meticulously gathered from various sources such as books and online platforms to ensure accuracy. However, please be aware that the contents of this site do not serve as legal or religious advice.

It is important to note that the meaning of a name can vary depending on the context, as words often possess multiple meanings. While we provide one interpretation for each name, it is possible that a name may hold different meanings in various contexts. Therefore, if you have chosen a name that you like, you may wish to explore its meaning through different perspectives.

Additionally, it is advisable to seek guidance from a scholar before finalizing the name for your Muslim newborn or child. You may consult with the imam of your local mosque or other religious experts to ensure that the chosen name is appropriate. Remember, it is a child’s right to be given a name with a positive meaning, so always strive to choose a name with a good significance.

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To know the meaning of the name in Bengali, visit- Namer Diary website

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